anemone bleached

  1. J


    Hello, Everyone! I am a newbie to the saltwater aquarium world (2 years). I have a 40 Gallon tank and everything in it is thriving and doing well---with the exception of my anemones :(. When I bought them, they were beautiful--long tentacles vibrant orange and now they have declined over the...
  2. N

    Anemone bleached and now riding snail. Lol

    My BTA lost its zooxanthellea and now it's attached itself to a snail. Lol it is riding it around like its mount. I've been feeding it so it still has a brown foot but I need to get some zoos into his caboose. The poor chap has bleached and shrank up. He's suffering from a case of noobie owner...
  3. Ireland.Escada

    Bleached anemones support

    I spontaneously picked up an anemone from pet co. I went in for a fish and came out with the anemone. I had yet to research them. One person on here stated my anemone was bleached. It is not totally white and there is a shade of slight green. maybe it is not 100% bleached. is there anything...
  4. dryza

    Please help identify this Anemone!

    Hello Everyone and Happy Saturday! I went by Petco a few weeks ago to grab supplies and as I walked by the Saltwater tanks, this anemone caught my eye.. It looked healthy and hosting a clown, but appeared severely bleached, so I decided to rescue it. When I inquired about the anemone with the...
  5. tech_reefer

    EMERGENCY Anemone ID

    Hi all - can I please get an ID on this anemone and is this anemone bleaching? I can't seem to tell the strain?
  6. LexMueller

    Bleached BTA

    Hey everyone! I’m finally taking the responsibility to heal my BTA. it’s been some time and it WAS beautiful. Looked like a CSB but it was just a hint of rainbow in it. I’m sorry to say it bleached in the move from my 13.5 to my 25 So far it’s kept it’s colour and has been doing better but no...
  7. Cantusaurus

    Rock Flower Anemone REAPPEARS after MONTHS!!

    So I had a tiny rock flower anemone, and it did well in my 2 to 3 month old tank, and it grew quickly and found a spot. I started adjusting the flow in the tank to better help the other corals needs, and it moved a bit, but then started moving a lot, and then it sort of disappeared into the rock...
Cultivated Reef