
  1. Elbereth

    Kill Cryptocaryon, Amyloodinium in an empty tank by heating?

    Long story short, I have a fair amount of fresh saltwater sitting around but I had corals in there very, very briefly. I'm wondering if it's possible to heat the water to sterilize it in case of contamination so I could reuse it in one of my QTs. I remember reading that something like 40 degrees...
  2. Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method - Updated 02/2021 Quarantine Goal The best way to avoid having disease in your main display is to have a proactive and comprehensive quarantine system from the start, as professional aquarist have learned from experience. This article is to encourage all marine aquarist...
  3. Alexpora Corals

    Velvet Transfer Method

    Velvet Transfer Method - Updated 10/2020 Quarantine Goal The best way to avoid having disease in your main display is to have a proactive and comprehensive quarantine system from the start, as professional aquarist have learned from experience. This article is to encourage all marine...
Champion Lighting & Supply