
  1. N

    Need help to identify what type of critter is this ? Copepods ?

    Hi everyone, need your help on this. What is this ? Is it copepods ? If not, what is it? Good or bad ? Should I be worried
  2. B

    Is this an amphipod?

    I'm not familiar with amphipods and I want to make sure this isn't something I should worry about. Recently introduced coral from WWC and after dipping placed it in my tank. Now i see these crawling all over snails and the glass.
  3. Zoa_Fanatic

    Yellow corris wrasse for pest control

    I have an exploration of amphipods that are eating my zoas. Yes I’m sure the pods are the problem. Will a yellow corris hunt pods and keep the population down? I know they sleep at night but if it kills the ones it find during the day it should help keep the population in check. I have...
  4. Zoa_Fanatic

    Any gobies or anything to eat amphipods?

    Is there anything but a wrasse I can ge to eat amphipods. I like the look of gobies but need one they can take down some serious pods. I’m running a biocube 32 so it needs to be smallish.
  5. G

    Amphipod or?

    Hello all just wondering if these are amphipods or something else and should I be considered? There are TONS floating around in my tank and I just saw them tonight after lights out. I don’t see them during the day at all and they’re all just floating about, not on the sand bed at all. They...
  6. Diveks

    Tiny orange worm? And tiny creatures on the glass.

    My tank is fallow right now and with no fish around, I decide to focus more on the tiny things around the tank. I am seeing 3 creatures that I am not sure what they are. Whatever they are they are all over my tank, one grain of sand can have around 6 (yellow line) every spot you see in the sand...
  7. C

    Is this an amphipod?

    A google search looks like an Amphipod. I believe it was burrowed in my mushroom that I got last week. I dipped it in coral RX. Thanks in advance.
  8. MrMreef

    Snail with red shell?

    Hey guys - rescued some dip casualties and were wondering what the survivors are…
  9. killergoby

    Amphipods turning orange?? (pics)

    The amphipods in my fuge have been turning orange the last 2 weeks, and now about 45% of the large adults are orange. I have no idea why this is happening. I searched around and found this article (, but as I don't have...
  10. Tristan

    Mysis Shrimp Bloom?

    I’ve only seen this twice in the past 2 months. At night maybe an hour after the lights go off, hundreds of baby mysis shrimp are floating in the water column. Is this some sort of hatching event or something?
  11. Erick Armanii

    Copepods now or later?

    Good morning r2r! What’s everyone’s opinions on adding copepods? Before or after fish are added? Should I have the refugium up and running or the dry rock will provide enough hiding spaces? I’m about 6 weeks into my initial cycle of a new 125g long and triton 44 sump. My test kits are still...
  12. TCReef84

    Free Swimming Isopod I.D.

    Hello everyone, I am having trouble with getting a positive identification on what appears to be an Isopod of some sort. This is the second time they have appeared in the water column since I have upgraded aquarium sizes and added live sand. They resemble Cirolanid Isopods, but they are very...
  13. LEOreefer

    Pods !

    how long does it take for pods to start showing up in numbers ? Does anyone does regularly to keep up numbers or let it be natural ?
  14. AquaNerd

    Australian teen’s feet, legs bloodied by mystery sea creatures

    Interesting... Sam Kanizay. Photo by Jarrod Kanizay In doing a little digging I found this from study done by England’s National Oceanography Centre... “In just a few days the carcass was entirely...
  15. Sarah Grace

    ID Please

    I just wanted to double check that these are copepods on my glass, and not something that will cause harm.
  16. Reef Nutrition

    Live Feeds Topics

    Hey everyone, Chad Clayton here. I am gearing up to present at the Ocean State Reef Aquarium Society's annual event in April. I am going to discuss live feeds and how they are applied to aquariums (also a little about aquaculture). I have a lot of information from past experiences on brine...
World Wide Corals