
  1. S


    Hello! New to the aquarium game . I have a few cycling questions maybe someone can help me. I’ve been cycling my Orbit (jellyfish tank) tank for about a month. I did the shrimp method, and my ammonia spiked to 4ppm. Everything seem on track. However, testing a few times I noticed my Nitrite...
  2. A

    ammonium readings in filtered RO/DI water, advice?

    Hello everyone, I've been having issues with ammonium readings in fresh made ro/di water lately. I'm using this ro setup from BRS and swapped all the canisters last week, however the problem still persisted. So I upgraded the carbon block to this and took another reading again no change. Here is...
  3. N

    Cycle question

    Ok so I feel like a dummy after realizing what I just did. Got the tank put live sand and base rock also ended up getting some live rock cheap and added that. Tested my water daily with the strip test. Everything looked good. I ended up adding more live rock that had some snails and crabs. For...
  4. Tofu Brady

    Help me with my ammonia levels

    I put in dr tims one and only and fed it a shrimp and did as it said on their web site and my ammonia levels arnt droping my salitnity and alk and ph are good but my amonia is around 0.2 ppm and it isnt really droping is there a possibility that the bacteria died? Ive cycled it for around 2...
  5. J

    New to hobby, question about parameters during cycle

    Hello! This is my first post, and I am also brand new to the reef aquarium hobby. Here's my question. I'm trying to cycle my 55 gallon aquarium. Salt and temp are all good. I have 2 clowns in the tank after using Dr. Tims One And Only, and have been cycling for 4 days (tracking for 3). I also...
  6. Bennutri

    Will i survive?

    I put my toddler hippo tank amd 8 gallons of cycled water, live rock, and live sand in my new 16 gallon will it survive the next weeks w thse cinditions? Or should i wait on water change ?
Biota Marine Life