
  1. Shell Script

    Sudden spike of Ammonia in 120 gallon

    2 months ago I started my 120 gallon reef tank. The Tank cycled in 3 weeks, but I didn't add fish till a month ago. 5 days ago I added my clown and blenny to the 120 and the ammonia and nitrite read zero until today. Ammonia and nitrite currently read around 0.25 (slightly less), I did use a API...
  2. megtrax17

    Ammonia spike, please help!

    So recently I decided it was time to upgrade my 40 gallon reef system to a 60 gallon reef system. So far everything looks amazing. However I had a random ammonia spike. I used to not have a skimmer or media reactor till now. The system had been running for two years! So it’s very well...