
  1. yougo

    Build Thread first saltwater, dry rock, cycling with pure NH and seneye

    Hey everybody So im going to detail here my first build and most of all my cycling process with the seneye sensor. Im at my first salwater experiment but have been for close to 20 years into freshwater. This is the 3rd time i am using ammonium chloride to start a cycle in a tank and as im...
  2. toor.attar

    Fish are yawning

    Hey everybody, I have some fish in my tank that keep yawning occasionally. I have a 55 gallon with 2 clowns, a small butterfly, small tang, and flame hawkfish. I had the tank running with the clowns for a couple months then added the baby tang 2 weeks ago and a week after the butterfly and...
  3. toor.attar

    Parameters?? New tank

    Hey, my parameters in my 29 gallon tank are a lil high, I started my tank exactly 3 weeks ago and for the last couple of weeks my parameters keep fluctuating back n forth. My Ammonia and Nitrite both keep going from .25ppm then back to .50ppm. My nitrates are high too around 40 ppm. Does that...
  4. Annabates


    Recently I had purchased 2 seahorses after a few months of doing research about them. I should have done more research for sure before getting them so please be nice i just really need help. They are wild caught which I was not informed of until after I had to ask. I have been trying to feed...
  5. V

    EMERGENCY My ammonia lvls wont go down to 0!

    i am new to marine fish keeping hobby. And i was researching stuff on the internet on how to do the cycling. Its been around 2 weeks now since i started my “cycle” and my recently recorded levels are quite confusing to what my research is telling me. My ammonia is still up in .25ppm and my...