
  1. H

    <= 0.25 ppm Ammonia, 0 Nitrate and 0 Nitrite, 30 Gallon

    I set up my tank a week ago and I followed the BRS guide and bought a clown as well as Dr. Tim’s One and Only Nitrifying Bacteria and put both in the tank. I’ve been checking every other day for the levels using the API Saltwater Master Test Kit and those same levels are practically stagnant. I...
  2. newreef1

    Ammonia Nitrite Ph

    Quick question guys. My ammonia, nitrite, was zero, nitrates were in the usual range, ph a little low. Did WC, added ph buffer to bring ph to 8.2 , ammonia 0, nitrite 0. Added 4 new fish. The ammonia increased to .25, fish were doing fine, I was adding fritz turbo 900. The nitrite was still 0...
  3. Zokki

    EMERGENCY Help needed ‍♀️ high ammonia

    Hello, I don’t know how exactly all started but I have high ammonia for over 3 weeks now. I’m adding api ammonia lock, prime, api quick start and stability.I did water change 4 times and ammonia is still the same. I had star fish that my puffer was picking all the time and die and one small...
  4. B

    I still have ammonia!

    Hi everyone. So I started my tank 3 weeks ago and started off with Dr Tim’s one and only. 5 days later I added 2 clown fish, then a week later 2 hermit crabs. I’ve been testing waters every day to keep an eye. My ammonia has gone up to about 1.5 at the most. I dose Prime and Stability every...
  5. JGMeredith

    Tank Won’t Cycle… HELP!!

    I’m beyond confused. I’ve been in this hobby for almost 20 years and this has never happened to me. I sat up a 32g AIO, 2 months ago. RODI water, plenty of rock, and used Fritz Turbo Start (like I have many times before) and introduced a couple gobies to the tank. It’s been over 2 months now...
  6. fishscale1

    New Tank Cycle

    Question for you guys..I used Dr Tims One & Only and the Dr Tim’s Ammonia Chloride fishless method. The instructions were to add 4 drops of the ammonia chloride per gallon. I have a 20 gallon Waterbox. After doing so I’ve read reviews of insane ammonia spikes using the 4 drops per gallon...
  7. D

    0 Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates

    Hi all I am new to the hobby. I started my fishless cycle on the 1st of December. I added dry reef, coral sand, decor (I believe resin; LFS said it is safe for saltwater tanks), a heater, a wave maker, and a filter with an active carbon filter. I filled the tank with RODI saltwater I bought...
  8. Wuffletoast

    Cycle not lowering ammonia levels.

    Looking for advice on lowering ammonia in my 30 Gal tank with one Clownfish. Two months ago I tried a fishless cycle with live rock. All my levels were low, ammonia was at zero and nitrate levels were there, but not high. I thought it was cycled and added the clownfish. A month later ammonia...
  9. G

    Tank temperature

    I don’t know what’s going on my tank is reaching 89 degrees and I have 4 fans the back is open I have a bubbler and a wave maker I don’t know why it’s a 75 gallon tank
  10. J

    EMERGENCY **PLEASE HELP ** Water parameters out of whack! Worried about fish.

    I will admit in advance that what I did was kinda stupid :downcast-face-with-sweat: I bought 2 new clown fish about a week ago and my ammonia levels have started to spike from all of the food sinking to the substrate. The water also started to smell a bit foul. When I first cycled my tank I...
  11. Kuhn

    Can't Keep Ammonia Down!

    Hello again! Sorry for such a basic and dumb question.. I'm just at a complete loss. I swear I thought I've done everything right, yet I just don't know why my Ammonia won't drop to 0. Here are my parameters... I've been having issues keeping Alk and Magnesium lower as well. It must be the salt...
  12. JSkeleton

    Need Cycling Help/Clarification (Will Post Updates In This Thread)

    I apologize for all the cycling questions and threads, I will just update this one from here on out and lay out the entire information below. As of today though (September 3) I've had 0 Ammonia for a few days and stuck at around 5.0 Nitrites for like a week and unsure what to do as it seems I...
  13. Sailaway

    Ammonia spike in new aquarium?

    yikes. Ammonia has been fine, but tonight it looks a little high. Everything else is testing safe, salinity is perfect and I was planning on getting a snail or shrimp tomorrow as a first inhabitant, should I hold off? would adding pre-cycled live rock with hitchhikers be fatal to whatever life...
  14. JSkeleton

    Cycling Update *HELP* (<0.25 Ammonia; 1.0 Nitrites; 160 Nitrates)

    I apologize for all the cycling posts lately, just want to be sure I get all of this right! ICYMI: 55 Gallon cycling for 2 and a half weeks having used Dr Tim's Ammonia Chloride to bring ammonia to 2.0ppm once and added Brightwell MicroBacter XLM 15x Nitrifying Bacteria. 42lbs arragonite, 20lbs...
  15. Munkiful

    Clown being a clown? Or possible disease / Ammonia

    Hello, I've recently posted about an ammonia "issue" I'm facing. Long story short, Nh3 is give or take 0.04. Tank is (was) cycled. Nitrates - 0~5 Nitrites -0. PH 8.4, salinity 1.023, temp 24°C. Tank is 50 Gallons, about 2/ 2 1/2 months old. FOWLR tank, 40lbs rock. Currently have 2 clowns, one...
  16. T

    Dr Tims Cycle

    Hi All! I’m currently on day 9 of cycling my new tank with Dr Tims one and only and Dr Tims ammonia. At first my ammonia was reading 8ppm but as of yesterday is now reading 2ppm. I have done a water change on Sunday and added a bottle of api quick start to make sure I haven’t killed all the new...
  17. J

    High Ammonia recovery??

    Came home from work and I noticed my orange back fairy wrasse was on top of the water column grasping for air. I did a ammonia test and it read .50! It was was currently in my 10g quarantine tank with a anthias. I panicked and I tossed him in my DT sump. Risking my other fish but I didn’t...
  18. B

    Decreasing Ammonia but no nitrites

    Good evening everyone. I’m cycling a Fluval Evo 13.5. I started on 6/28. The tank is stocked with 1 large piece of live rock, and two large pieces of dry rock. I have a Kenya tree and some macro algae that was included with my live rock. I have 2 Red legged Hermits. I started building up...
  19. N

    New Tank, holding at .5 ammonia. Need I worry?

    Hi all, Posting here as a new member, and like many new posters, I have an immediate question that I can't quite seem to find through the countless threads posting 'similar' questions; so my apologies for any redundancy. I set up a new 75 gal salt water tank 4 weeks ago, with 20 gal sump. sump...
  20. L

    EMERGENCY What color?!? Ammonia

    What color am I looking at? Nitrates came down last couple days and so did nitrites just need ammonia to hit 0.
  21. notMrDurden

    Abnormally fast cycle?

    First off, the title is misleading... I have no idea what is and isn't abnormal . I just filled and started my cycle last night. At 9pm, In my 16 gallon cube I put 4oz of FritzZyme Turbo Start 900 then brought my tank up to 2.0ppm of ammonia. This morning before I left for work at 4:30 am, I...
  22. B

    Ammonia poisoning or low oxygen?

    Hi so I got my first 2 clowns in my tank today of 90 gallons. But every so often only ONE of the Clowns will go to the surface and grab air OCCASIONALLY, the other one swims and explores. Normally they swim like nothing wrong. if I get too close they dart to the bottom so I had to record from...
  23. S

    Brine shrimp and ammonia spikes. What am I doing wrong?

    Hey guys. Been harvesting baby brine for a while and all is very successful. I do about a gram a week in a one liter bottle with great success. My struggle is that I set up a 10 gallon breeder with just an air line and heater to try and raise them to adults. I use freshly mixed salt water that I...
  24. S

    Brine shrimp and ammonia spikes. What am I doing wrong?

    Hey guys. Been harvesting baby brine for a while and all is very successful. I do about a gram a week in a one liter bottle with great success. My struggle is that I set up a 10 gallon breeder with just an air line and heater to try and raise them to adults. I use freshly mixed salt water that I...
  25. CincyReefer07

    Few Australian Live Rock Questions

    Hey guys, have a few questions on curing and storing Australian Live rock. I know of a guy that’s suppose to be getting a large shipment of Australian live rock in at the end of this month, beginning of next month, downfall is, he’s much more expensive than Unique Corals. I was really wanting to...
Tropic Marin USA