
  1. S

    Water Change after fish death?

    So I just got home today to find that my fairy wrasse had died but this isn't what my question is about. Should I now do a water change to avoid an ammonia spike? I removed what was left of the carcass but it looked like my snails and crabs had been eating it for a few hours maybe. I did a water...
  2. T

    Week 3 of cycling

    Hello fellow reefers! I just past the 2 week mark of cycling my tank using dr tims one and only and dr tims ammonia. I used live sand and some rock from my existing tank as well. My current parameters are Nitrate 20, Nitrite 0.5, Ammonia 0. I got the same results from API and Red Sea test kits...
  3. S

    EMERGENCY Not Sure if Tank is cycled

    Hi All, I have started fishless cycling with Dr tim's in my 50G tank with Live sand and dry rock. It took about 3 weeks when I got 0 Ammonia, 0 nitrite. As suggested in other threads ,added 2ppm ammonia again just to confirm if my tank is actually cycled . And it took 4 days to get 0 again...
  4. adamlodge14

    Cycle taking ages

    Hi, I have been cycling my tank for 1 month now, I have got lots of maxspect bioballs in the filtration and have been adding special blend bacteria twice weekly. I have upped my ghost feeding to a decent amount everyday but my ammonia has only gone up to 0.25 and I still don’t have a nitrate or...
  5. Foggy Pirate

    Nitrogen Cycle Help... Approaching End what do i do between that and time i get fish.....

    Hey Everyone! Second post here in Reef2Reef and a new member! My name is Jeff I just finished setting up my first Fluval evo 13.5 tank, everything stock except protein skimmer and a 240 wave maker. Iv did a fish less cycle with ammonia and as I believe its nearing the end im unaware of what to...