algea issues

  1. B

    Oklahoma Refugiums Drygoods Foursquare Aquatics Algea Scrubber APIS-60

    Selling my APIS-60 algea scrubber only to upgrade to the 300. It works like a beast! The only reason I'm selling it to upgrade to their larger APIS-300 version as my fish are getting bigger and starting to overwhelm it. It's still in use however I will take it down and clean the best I can once...
  2. theasherrr

    New kid - what’s this edition

    This is currently what my tank looks like Question 1) the brown algae -read a lot about it being good, but how much is to much? I also have green algae on my glass. Question 2) close up of rocks with micro bubbles - is this okay? Question 3) should I be running lights on a normal day/night...
  3. D

    EMERGENCY Is this caused by Dino or Diatom?

    Hi there, I need some help to ID what's the issue with my tank. It is killing the SPS and LPS. My duncan was happy until two weeks ago - most of the heads are gone now. Below are the pics of the corals that are impacted most. The specs of the tank are: Calcium 1350 Alk 8.0-8.3 Ph 7.8-8...
  4. briking1977

    algea opinions wanted, 4 month old tank

    I am new to saltwater my tank is a 55 gallon, it was set up with live sand, all dry rock, cycled out, then a green spotted puffer was added, a purple dottyback and a damsel fish. I use instant ocean reef crystals for my salt mix, my Temp stays at 81 degrees and my parameters are staying stable...
  5. O

    How much light is to much?

    Hello all. I’m new to this hobby and believe me I’m in love. But being new I’m still trying to grasp the ropes. Definitely a learning process. I have a Fluval Evo tank. I’ve had this tank with fish in it for 2 months now. I’ve been struggling with this hideous algea red and green. On my rocks...
  6. J

    Weird White debris floating around a sticking to everything?

    Hey guys, So i have a 40B Parameters are ALK: 12.5 CALCIUM: 430 MAG: 1230 NITRATE: 11.3 PH: 8 PHOSPHATE: 0.33 I did just change from Cora life to red sea coral pro salt. And the only new addition to the tank is chaeto. I did have a coral that died but i took it out of the tank once it went...
  7. M

    Green algae in 32G BioCube

    Hi.. I see green algae in my LedBiocube 32G tank. Can you please help me how to get rid it off.. I scrapped it with Mag-Float Glass Floating Magnet but after 1 or 2 days again its coming.
  8. Southern Fishing Co.

    This algea keeps

    So I have a 6 month old tank. In the last few weeks I've noticed(what I think is) green turf algea. It started on the rock on the left and has quickly spread to my whole tank as you can see in the picture. Ive tried scrubbing the rock but nothing comes off and for the last 3 weeks I started...