algae scrubber sump

  1. J

    CW 100 Algae Scrubber

    Hello, I just purchased and installed a Clearwater CW100 (V2) algae scrubber, and I'm a bit confused on the GPH/Noise ratio... If that makes sense. I have it plumbed into my manifold, at roughly 50gph (way below the recommended 350gph), as that is the only amount of flow possible to prevent...
  2. ajtomase

    Algae Scrubber vs. Refugium

    Hello everyone, I'm planning my first tank (Red Sea Reefer 625) and I'm not sure whether to utilize the refugium it comes with and add chaeto to it, or should get an algae scrubber. I would like to eventually have a mandarin so I know I will need a healthy pod population, but I'm not sure if an...
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