algae id

  1. C

    What type of algae is this on my rock?

    I thought it was coraline algae at first, but now Im not sure. What is this and how do I get rid of it? Im doing a deep cleaning at the moment, scraping off a lot of algae which is why there's tons of algae flying about in the water. The green algae is only visibly green with white light...
  2. V

    Algae ID on the back wall?

    I have some new algae(?) growing on the back wall of the tank. It's pretty hard to get a sample of it, as it feels like a crust, so I tried to scrape some and look under a microscope. Here are some pictures, please let me know if you have any clue on what it could be. I'm hoping it's some type...
  3. B


    Hello everyone, I have been struggling with this algae in my sand bed for close to 3 months now. I haven’t had much other problems with any other algae besides hair algae, but I got most of it gone. I have no idea how to get rid of it. It goes away for 2-3 days and shows up again. I do biweekly...
  4. K

    ID on algae

    Hello, I've went fallow on my tank for a couple months due to a velvet outbreak. During this time I started to get some GHA throughout the tank and it slowly turned into this webby reddish algae. I was thinking about getting some fish soon since the velvet is more than eradicated by now, but I...
  5. K

    Can someone please ID this algae?

    Hello, I've went fallow on my tank for a couple months due to a velvet outbreak. During this time I started to get some GHA throughout the tank and it slowly turned into this webby reddish algae. I was thinking about getting some fish soon since the velvet is more than eradicated by now, but I...
  6. S

    mystery algae identification

    So ive noticed this algae popping up in my tank over the past few weeks. It is on the sandbed and rocks and I have looked it up and have not been able to identify it. It is almost fuzzy little balls that coat the surface of my sand and rocks. It definitely doesn’t appear to be one of the...
  7. Oblivionity

    ID algae?

    Hello I have this moss like purple algae growing on my life rock. It doesn't come off like the cyanobacteria I have in my other tank, that grows on the sand and other decor. Is this also cyanobacteria or is it something else? Also I think the dark spot is good algae? I've had this tank running...
  8. P

    Brown Algae ID

    Over the last few weeks, I have seen a new algae outbreak and I’ve been unable to properly ID it. It seems to be encrusting and does not come off with a tooth brush. My CuC doesn’t eat it. My LFS suggested a pinchushion urchin, but I’m wondering if there’s an alternative. I don’t want the...
  9. B

    Algae ID Discussion HELP!!

    Hello, just got back from a weeks vacation and came back to this. I have no idea what the dark spots on the sand bed are. Also, the slime-looking algae on the rocks. This tanks is coming up on 3 months old and I have done water changes biweekly now since the tank was cycled. Is this just a bad...
  10. Mike T IL

    Is this gha, turf, or something else?

    Please help identify. I manually remove and it comes back in a week. Alk 8.5, calc 480, mg 1380, PO4 .05, nitrates 10.2, salinity 1.026, Tmp 78. 5 gallon daily auto water changes. Also have turned off the lights for a period of 3 days a few times.
  11. C

    EMERGENCY Crazy Algae Issues! Please help!!

    Hi all, hopefully you can help me!! I have a 24 gallon AIO waterbox peninsula, roughly 8 months old. I have been battling algae for the last 4-5 months. I believe its a combination of diatom, dinos and maybe cyano? the algae doesn’t completely disappear at night, but does reduce slightly. If...
  12. G

    Algae ID?

    Hello all just wondering what kind of algae this is and if it’s bad. I have an AIO and it’s only in the back compartment where it’s dark.
  13. maryocean7

    Algae help identify

    Hello everyone If anyone would be kind to help us in our new tank. We have had it for 2 months now and just last week this showed up. We can't get our hand on what it is exactly. We have caribsea Life Rock and life sand Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 20ppm Lights are on for 6 hours We do...
  14. G

    Algae / coral ID??

    I apologize about the bad quality photos but this is as good as I could get with where it’s located sadly but can anyone tell me what this is? I saw it starting to grow about 2 weeks ago and I’m new to the hobby so I’m not entirely sure if it’s aiptaisa or if it’s another coral growing on that...
  15. H

    Algae on sand and rocks coming back

    I'm not sure what this algae is, it grows like crazy and very fast. I thought it was cyno so I bought some chemiclean and put that in the water and followed the instructions on the box. it looked great afterwards, nice white sand, but its back but it doesn't look like it used to. it looked...
  16. H

    Algae on sand and rocks coming back

    I'm not sure what this algae is, it grows like crazy and very fast. I thought it was cyno so I bought some chemiclean and put that in the water and followed the instructions on the box. it looked great afterwards, nice white sand, but its back but it doesn't look like it used to. it looked...
  17. H

    Algae on sand and rocks coming back

    I'm not sure what this algae is, it grows like crazy and very fast. I thought it was cyno so I bought some chemiclean and put that in the water and followed the instructions on the box. it looked great afterwards, nice white sand, but its back but it doesn't look like it used to. it looked...
  18. agame2021

    Need help identifying algae

    So I got excited because this started out with kinda a deep redial purple. I got excited and people told me on a different site it was the start of the coralline algae. Well found out the pros are here… so could you help me out? It’s stringy and now there are bubbles forming in the algae...
  19. N

    Brown Algae ID

    Hello! New here and new to the hobby. We have a 33g Cube that’s been set up since January. We successfully housed 2 clowns and 3 hermits since March. At the beginning of May, we added a Pajama Cardinal, Sexy Shrimp and carpet anem. Last week, we went out of town and did a water change...
  20. Reefer37

    Algae ID?

    Been dealing with this algae for a little bit now and it's just getting out of hand. Starting to grow on coral skeletons even with scrubbing and removing it regularly. Can someone tell me what this is? Having a hard time 100% IDing it. It is some sort of green sheet algae that grows in layers...
  21. M

    Algae ID?

    Pretty new to this hobby and I have some algae growing in my QT. Hoping I could get an ID on it and how to fix. Ammonia is 0, Nitrite is 0, Nitrate is 10. Tank is a 30g bio cube.
  22. A

    This algae? is taking over my tank

    Any idea? The service team that was maintaining my tank just kept burying it in my sand bed. After a month it came back with a vengeance. It covered pretty much all of the sand and crawled up the rock work.
  23. Z

    Freshwater scrub goes Saltwater: Algae identification

    Hey Reef Gang, I am new to the salt water game coming from freshwater. I am starting with a Red Sea Max Nano. 20lb Carib sea life rock, 10 pounds Fiji pink, 660gph wave maker, running skimmer 24/7 with filter sock, bunch of marine pure bio balls, red sea carbon, Red Sea coral salt pro, tank...
  24. Mrsflip


    Can anybody help. New to here and tank around 9 months old. Had an algae outbreak. Not the best pics but starting to stand up with air bubbles on the tips. More brown/orange under whites. Goes away over night nearly completely and then back when lights on. Running 5 hours blue and 2 hours white...
  25. MarshallB

    Aglae ID, Just Part Of The Ugly Phase?

    Salinity 1.026 Nitrate 0 Phosphate bounces from 0 to < .02 PH 8.2 Alk 10 Calcium 440 Mag 1500 I use RODI water, 0 TDS. Tank Age: 6 Months. So this stuff has been in my substrate for awhile now, it was brown, but now is green. Substrate gets plenty of flow. I've had to adjust it a few times to...
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