algae help

  1. C

    What type of algae is this on my rock?

    I thought it was coraline algae at first, but now Im not sure. What is this and how do I get rid of it? Im doing a deep cleaning at the moment, scraping off a lot of algae which is why there's tons of algae flying about in the water. The green algae is only visibly green with white light...
  2. B

    Need help with ID nuisance algae cyano or Dino?

    Last two weeks my take has been taken over by this ugly stuff and I’m not positive what it is and I do not want to take action if it is the wrong ID and course of action. If anyone could help me figure it out I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
  3. R

    [PICS & VIDEO updated] : Help me identify this algae?

    Can someone please help me identify this nuisance alage I am having for the last 2 months now. I have an established 5year old SPS dominant system. My Nitrate is between 0-5ppm and my PO4 is 0.04 checked with Hanna URL checker. All the inhabitants of the tank are doing good. VIDEO:
  4. agame2021

    Need help identifying algae

    So I got excited because this started out with kinda a deep redial purple. I got excited and people told me on a different site it was the start of the coralline algae. Well found out the pros are here… so could you help me out? It’s stringy and now there are bubbles forming in the algae...