algae barn

  1. J

    algae barn ocean majik exp

    I have a subscription to algae barn for pods and phyto that arrive once a month. I started dosing a few months back when I needed to beat by dinos. My tank isn't that big so I don't dose the phyto that much like maybe 5 ml a day before leaving for work. I wanted to know does Phyto have an...
  2. R

    O the cycle...

    Hey everyone! Very new to saltwater In the fishless cycle +/- a few hiccups along the way but looking for advise on the next course of action. The setup: RO/DI system up and running great JBJ 45 AIO 30 LB Caribsea life rock 30LB Caribsea live sand Heater 2 power heads mp-10 & Nero 3 2 inTank...
  3. Seanjo

    Did my new tank just turbo cycle?

    Hello, I just set up a new lagoon style frag tank. It is two 20G tanks plumbed into a 36G sump. I am attempting a clear bottom build and only have 10lbs of miracle mud for substrate in the sump. I took about 50lbs rock from a tank that's been running for 20 years, cleaned it up and cooked it for...
  4. 707Nick

    Please identify

    Hi I’m wondering if anybody can identify these little critters that I’m finding in my refugium is it something I should worry about?
  5. C

    Cold chateo from Algae Barn leading to mortality?

    Let me start off saying I live in North Dakota, it’s December, and it’s cold (averaging 0-15 degrees outside). My first order of 4oz chateo from Algae Barn came with the bag open reeking of dead material with the majority of the algae ball brown and translucent. AB generously re-shipped...
  6. J

    Large Build Upgrade to a Cade Peninsula 1500 SP/2

    After 20 years off and on (mostly off) running a 46 gal bow front reef tank, I found myself moving to a bigger house about a mile and a half away from my original house. With the daunting prospect of moving my tank and re-setting up I saw this as a perfect opportunity to get a larger tank to...
  7. shom

    Is it toxic dinos?

    Hi, A soft algae-like something has appeared in my coral tank since yesterday.:eek: (mov. 1) I'm afraid that it might be dinos. :confused: I took the piece of it and poured oxydol on it, but its color did not change. (mov. 2) I've heard If it's dinos, it turns purple. Is it unlikely that...
  8. uscggirl

    Build Thread Ocean Front In Cade 1500S2

    After reading, researching, watching videos, and challenging myself, I’m in the process of switching from a 75 gallon discus tank to a reef tank. Well, at first it will be fish until I can maintain stable parameters for coral, but a reef tank is the long view. I spent a few months...
  9. DJTJ

    Build Thread TJ's Santa CADE REEF 1200 S2 Tank Build

    Hey y'all the CADE 1200 came in today! I would like to give thanks to Algae Barn for this amazing opportunity and would like to personally thank each and every member involved in the special post. Also, I would like to personally thank Rudy, a fellow Niners fan, for helping me place the tank/...
  10. zanthian

    Build Thread Zan's CADE REEF 600 S2 Build

    I am a first time reefer getting started with a CADE REEF 600 S2. I have had previous fresh water tanks and wanted to try my hand at a mixed reef tank. Started my research on Red Sea AIO tanks, but then I came across the CADE systems. I liked the aluminum and glass stand, built in ATO, and pre...
  11. TankMaid

    Algae Barn

    Just received some red ogo from Algae Barn and it is green, translucent, and neon. This can’t be healthy? Has anyone else had this happen? What can I do? I trimmed all of the neon parts out, but left the rest in the tank in hopes that it is still alive.
  12. Lifthvysht

    Bad algae barn! I’m let down

    I received my order from Algae barn of CS and cheato and there were white shells,rocks,snails??? I’ve Contacted algae barn twice within 24 hours and have not got any feedback with my information and pictures that I sent them. Can anybody tell me what this is. I currently have my macro allergies...
  13. Biocube32


    Order was placed Saturday near midnight. I got an email sunday saying my order was “processed.” Have not received yet or any other tracking info. Charge has been posted on my credit card. Supposed to be 2-3 day priority mail. I have an order number but after logging into the website, it says i...
  14. mitch91175


    Well guys I decided to place another order with @AlgaeBarn for a gang of pods: 2 - Tisbee, 3 - Tigger, and 2 - nano brine. I had an issue with an order in the past (they took care of everything without issue), but had felt that at that time I wouldn't do any other orders because I really...
  15. CoralDanimal

    FS: Adult Male Biota Captive-Bred Mandarin

    I have two Biota captive-bred Mandarins, but recently learned they were both males unfortunately (Algae Barn messed up). I've had him over a year but he's starting to get aggressive towards the other male so I need to sell him even though it really bums me out. He's big and fat - he eats...
  16. MSOEME2009

    Chaetomorpha Shortage?

    I'm about to start my new tank up; might fill today or tomorrow. I will be running Chaeto in the fuge to home some pods and to export nutrients. It's set up with a big ol' Kessil grow light. I intended on grabbing some from Algea Barn with some pods. Sold Out. I then went to look at...
  17. DeepBlueSomething

    Algae Barn Phyto Shelflife

    @AlgaeBarn Picked up a pack of pods and phyto - I have used th pods straight away and am adding phyto as I go. The use by date is not expired but the phyto doesn’t have the same ‘perfume’ as when I just got it. It’s been kept in the fridge as recommended. Is it still alive? Have nutritional...
  18. coralfish12g


    GIVEAWAY! I've partnered with Algae Barn to give away 3 REFUGIUM STARTER PACKS which consist of Copepods, Phytoplankton, Macro Algae, Turbo Start, and Marine Pure Block! –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– TO ENTER: Watch & comment on my new video here:
  19. DSmithZ28

    Great Service at AlgaeBarn!

    It is all too often we hear bad things about companies but rarely good things. So I wanted to take a minute and give a shout out to AlgaeBarn for going the extra mile to help me out. They don't just say they care about the pods in your tank they mean it. Thanks to AlgaeBarn for looking out for...
  20. DSmithZ28

    Phytoplankton Accident

    Long story short I did not know the Algae Barn shipping dates and when I ordered it last week I missed the cutoff time. So it shipped this week and I was out of town working and I had my daughter temp acclimate the pods and add the phytoplankton. Here's where things went bad. She added the two...
Reef Diaper