
  1. R

    orange patches on sand… should i worry?

    Hello all, I have a 10g fairly new tank. Worry not everything is cycled of course but I started noticing orange patches here and there on my sand. All levels are within normal ranges so I have no idea what this might be, but then again I still consider myself a beginner and I don’t know much...
  2. Lebowski_

    Is there a dummy's guide to how hydrogen peroxide helps with nuisance algae?

    I used it recently to help fight back against cyano, and I see it being used quite often to help with algae. How does it work? Why does it kill the bad stuff, but the tank seems to be perfectly fine? Why is the good bacteria spared? How is it affecting the inverts? Does it accumulate and need...
  3. Norwich Nano

    Help with this algae or cyno

    Hello I am running a Fluval 60. Have gone through green hair , then red Cyanobacteria and now have this lighter green covering that looks like the red cyno in terms of coverage on the sand bed. Tank is 6 months in with a couple of clownfish , snails and a shrimp. No corals currently. Stock...
  4. H

    My ongoing battle with GHA

    Back in February I had a huge takeover of cyano, bryopsis and GHA. First photo, I know it was bad. I was in a bad headspace I know what happened: overfeeding, lack of maintenance & topping off with questionable store bought water and the occasional tap water top off. I’ve manually removed...
  5. F

    Month old tank

    So I started my 55 gal tank up in the beginning of the month, and I’ve been posting updates every now and then. This is my third attempt at starting a saltwater tank, and so far I haven’t had any catastrophes yet. I just did another weekly 4 gallon water change, and all of the brown algae is...
  6. MB_Corals

    Algae identification

    Does anybody know what type of algae this is? And is it bad for tank?
  7. H


    My tank is starting to get over run by algae, I know there’s a lot of chemicals and additives to rid algae growth but what is a very quick for sure way to rid algae from corals Skelton, between polyps??? I’m dealing with very annoying hair algae no matter what I do I’m thinking turning off...
  8. M


    Hey, I know they aren’t the best pics but wondering if this is bryopsis. Just removed a rock that def had a quarter sized growth on it so wondering if this is it too. Hard to tell for me. One other frag has something similar.
  9. ambuncher

    What’s on my sponge?

    I bought a sea sponge a few months ago. It was doing great for weeks, then fell over between some rocks for a few days. When I pulled it out of rocks, it has some white and brown goo on it. It looks like algae of some sort. I can see the orange flesh beneath, but the goo seems to be spreading. I...
  10. VanCityReef

    Please help identify this nuisance algae! Rapidly taking over my tank

    Went away for a week and came home to this completely taking over my sump. Protein skimmer working very hard. Used up half my reef mat in 3 days. It feels very slimy and comes apart quite easily. The consistency almost feels like slime around a piece of string, but the second you touch it, it...
  11. VanCityReef

    What is this stuff is?

    I just came back from a week long vacation and found this stuff has completely taken over my sump. Any idea what it is and how to get rid of it?
  12. Taun98

    Nuisance algae

    Hello! Rather new to the hobby here but my tank has been running for just over 6 months. I’ve had coral for almost 3 months. Went through a few different ugly stages already. I thought things were finally calming down where everything was clean again for almost a month and everyone has been...
  13. Sick_man

    Might quit because of Algae

    So i have a 33 gallon long tank that is about 2.5 years old and I have never been able to defeat algae. The tank is overrun with bubble algae and GHA. I'm even dosing Vibrant (algaecide) but nothing seems to be working. Almost every week I have to clean pumps because they get clogged up with...
  14. W

    Dino's Question

    So I am starting up a new 22 gallon tank and planning on bringing my clowns and inverts over from my Fluval 13.5. Problem is the 13.5 has been showing signs of slight dinos from a rock that I had recently added to the tank after buying some anemones. I would love to move the anemones to the new...
  15. E

    Ok the pictures are blue but..

    The algae is green, i wonder if it's some caulerpa. I had some racemosa at the beginning but killed it (it bleached probably because of the lack of nutriments). Could you help me to identify this one?
  16. Zhugelaocunfu

    Many kinds of hitchhikers? Looks like my tank is screwed

    Algae problem causes me to suffer after past 6 months and finally found out is my light is too long after chit chatting with in a fish shop. Anyway, recently the tank suddenly appeared many kinds of hitchhikers: a kind of algae,Vermetid Snail, one or two fireworms (At least looks like, it has...
  17. gowlers321

    Can anyone help me ID?

    I can't find any other algae that looks remotely similar. Has anyone ever seen algae like this? It grows in long vine like strands along the rock and has spread across all my rocks. Easy enough to remove with tweezers but can never remove all of it. Thanks.
  18. airvicconcre

    Bryopsis and gha

    @Randy Holmes-Farley Hello. I have a bryopsis and gha problem in my 150g dt and sump combined aquarium. I have tried manually scrubbing it off the aquascape however they keep coming back and now have taken over almost all the walls and rock. I have been reading. Lot about Fluconazole lately. I...
  19. Linoss17


    I started to notice some of this clear white stuff growing on my rocks can anyone tell me what it is?
  20. dumroll

    Identification and solution. Bryopsis? Cladophorosis? Something else?

    Hi R2R Team, I've been battling a nuisance algae for a little bit now. I initially thought it was bryopsis but have tried fluconazole with no luck. I have tried manual removal which will remove the amount initially but always comes back. I have also implemented reduced feeding by reducing total...
  21. W

    Algae ID assistance

    Hi all! I seem to be having an issue with a nuisance algae. I would like to see if there is a "natural" solution to the problem before I try to attack it with chemicals. I have a starry blenny, a blue spot sea hare, and a smorgasbord of different snails, but none of them seem to touch the stuff...
  22. R

    Help with Algae

    Hi, I recently took over a tank with live rocks, and found out that there are serious algae problems with them. All rocks were kept in trash can with flow and heater. I was thinking of starting the cycling process with those established rock (there are some invertebrates and coral on them and...
  23. TurtleDude

    Build Thread Nano 10g w/Anemone, clowns, & Clean-up Crew.

    I’ve gathered the following info about my nano. Let me know what you think. lighting: Coralife Marine Aquarium Clip on Light 12 hours per day 8:30-20:30 Parameters: Ammonia 0ppm Nitrite 0ppm Nitrate 10-20ppm Calcium 340 KH 9 Phosphate 0ppm pH 8.2 Temp 82f Tank age >2 years I’ve struggled...
  24. B

    Please help me with my algae problem !!

    Please Help me !! Sorry in advance if my english is not perfect I'm a french Canadian from Quebec. I really wish to solve my green hair algae problem because i just cant enjoy my tank as it is right now. every week im pulling out as much algae as i can with my 10 to 20 % water change but im not...
  25. R

    Pesky particles floating in 75g tank

    Hey folks, Need some input! Got some floating / suspended particles floating around the tank that just don't seem to get filtered out of my 75g saltwater tank - see attached pics. The particles don't look like food, but rather small bits of dead algae / dust (recently went on a big algae...
Black Label Aquatics