
  1. Andrew Schubert

    Need Help setting my Alert Configuration for High Water ???

    I want my alert to go off if my High Water Float is activated. However, I do not want it to alert me if the ReturnPump is currently off (feeding my fish). Here is my current code: Set OFF If HWater OPEN Then ON If FeedA 011 Then OFF If FeedB 011 Then OFF If FeedC 011 Then OFF If FeedD 011 Then...
  2. Haubfather07

    Alert for inputs NOT changing

    I had a thought today that it would be nice to get an alert if a probe was having an issue by getting an alert that a reading WASN'T changing. A simple example of this would be temp. There is really only two options, the heaters are on and its climbing or off and its cooling. If my probe is...
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