alage id

  1. R

    Vibrant green color alage on rock.. It's good for marine tank?

    Vibrant green color alage on rock.. It's good for marine tank?
  2. bri.reffin

    algae and coral troubles

    when i had 0 algae, i wanted some sort of algae but now its over run. and my 1 turbo snail barely moves. can anyone identify the alage in the back of my tank. and is anyone experienced with goniporia theres a hollow hole that sometimes appear mid day the turbo snail did knock it over when it...
  3. B

    Algae ID

    Hey everyone, quick question about what this might be on my rock. 3 days ago I broke down my rock and rescaped it. The last day or two I have gotten this what looks like dust all over my rock? It easily gets blown off with a turkey baster, but I have no idea what it is. It’s almost like dust...
  4. SaltwaterReefer420


    Does anyone one what these orange/red spots are? Anyhelp would be appreciated...Foe or Emeny?
  5. jax2021

    EMERGENCY Is this algae? How to remove?

    Someone knows what is this? How to remove? Thanks
  6. S

    Brown/Green Algae ID?

    I’ve set up a new 25g tank and I’m going through the dirty stage. Got like this brown algae first thought it was diatoms however when I turned my LED to a more higher whites I’ve noticed that the algae looks green? Is this still diatoms? Picture is algae under whites, looks brown under blues. ⬇️⬇️