air bubbles

  1. Bankertanker

    Black bubbles on soft coral

    Does anyone know what these black bubbles are on the coral, and should it get rid of them?
  2. F

    Bubbling diatoms?

    Hello! Here's the thing my tank is a 12 gallon nano, 3 months old and my parameters are the following: NO4 0, NO2 0, NO3 10ppm, PO4 0.5, 9dkh, pH 8.4,Ca 445, Mg 1170, SG 1024. All test done with Salifert. Is stocked with a yellow Watchman goby, 4 blue legged ermits and a turbo snail. My problem...
  3. CoralStop

    Stacking Aquariums, Questions on Bubbles

    Hello all, I currently have 3 stacked systems (two stacked aquariums above a sump) that are doing great, but all have a common problem, bubbles. The bubbles come from the top tank draining to the lower tank. I am moving to a new home and plan on running the same type of setup, however this time...
  4. JamieTotten1996

    Air Pump in a reef tank.

    good or bad? is there anything to be mindful of? any species that could be effected? so on and so forth.
  5. S

    Bubbles in silicon seam

    I’ve had this aqueon 40 gallon for about 6 months now and when I set it up I made sure the tank and stand were both completely level and everything has been fine. However I did a water change last night and after finishing I noticed these air bubbles in the seam and I’m not sure if the tank is...