
  1. Lebowski_

    Green Slimers and Acros - short term exposure to air during W/C

    The topmost rock in my tank comes up to about the 3/4 mark, and if I do a large W/C, some coral will be exposed to air. As of tight now, just a flow-happy torch and a couple Green Slimer frags an LFS owner gave me to try out. I've seen exposed reefs before out in the wild, but I don't know much...
  2. WheatToast

    Contamination by air

    I have two open buckets of mixing saltwater within ten feet (maybe 5-7 feet) of each other, one for my quarantine tank (which has fish that are only a few days from finishing their copper treatment) and one for my main display. The quarantine bucket had saltwater mixing with an airstone. Is the...
  3. reefsaver

    Hello Reef Saver ~ Meet & Greet

    Howdy all, I am on my 7th month of Reefing and everything is going okay, I've made a couple mistakes here and there and learned a lot and still have so much more to learn and equipment to buy but this hobby has saved my life during a mandated by law curfew lockdown that we are policed to live...
  4. E

    Cannister Filter Constantly Spits Out Bursts of Microbubbles??

    I've had my tank set up now for around 3 months, and the only annoyance/issue I have with it is the filter that consistently fills my tank with air bubbles! And it baffles me as to how this is even possible considering the entire setup aside from the power cord is submerged at least 6" under...
  5. Evan West

    Moving Time? My Advice to You.

    Welcome! Hello all, I am what I would consider to be somewhat of an expert on moving a reef tank. I say this because due to the way my college works I move every 3 months......gasp! yes yes I know bring on the nay sayers! "That's bad for your reef they need stability!".......and yes your right...
  6. DevonMeep

    Corals above waterline

    Hello again everyone. My tanks just got its first few corals in it and I had a question. When I do water changes in my 29g the top of the rock work is exposed to the air. Since I obviously don't want this to be blank rock forever I was wondering, how long can a coral survive outside the water...