ai blade

  1. reacclimating 2 the hobby

    Combined XR15 and AI Blade

    Hey All, Just curious as my research came up empty. I'm looking to increase my PAR with a couple of AI Blade Grow lights. Anyone have any success mounting these and a XR15 and have it look nice?
  2. L

    AI hydra 32. Using fill light

    So I am currently working on my 75 gallon tank set up, 48”x16”x19” deep I have chosen to go with two AI hydra 32 lights. Going to start out with BRS mounting tips. My question is I’m worried about shadowing has anybody used the AI blades for fill light or any of the Orphik OR3. If you have a...
  3. Lolleo

    What would you pick? XR15 blue with which AI Blade?

    Hello, I thought it might be a interesting discussion as I am looking to get two AI blade to complement my XR15 blues to raise the par in my tank. Which of the two would you add to a Radion blue. Would you add a grow or a glow ? This post could be also used along side a XR 30 blue as well!
  4. Muffin87

    AI Prime Fuge and AI Blade Fuge have completely different spectrums

    Take a look at the difference in the spectrums of the AI Prime Fuge and the AI Blade Fuge in the pictures below. The spectrum of the AI Prime Fuge is the REVERSE of the spectrum of the AI Blade Fuge. Has the AI team put ANY thought at all into the spectrums when designing these lights? There are...