agressive tank

  1. C

    Best clean up crew for aggressive tank?

    I am starting my 300g off with a clown trigger, emperor angel, harlequin tusk, tesselata eel and maybe a shark. Currently have diatoms everywhere. already have used phosguard for 5 days, no results yet. Best way to remove diatoms? Main question- best cleanup crew for this aggressive tank -...
  2. dyno

    Build Thread Fish Only Tanks! - FOWLR/FOT’s Pictures

    Any Reef2Reefers’ here as crazy about the coral eaters as they are about corals? Anyone crazy about larger aggressive fish like Angels, Triggers, and Puffers? I found no stickies or picture threads for Fish Only Tanks. That is not acceptable....... who has a fish only system? I would love to see...