
  1. A

    Agreesive/Semi Agressive 75 Gallon

    Hello all; Im fairly new to the Saltwater world, (about 1 year) I have a tank with softies and some peaceful fish. However I recently acquired a 75 gallon, with a 30 gallon sump. I am looking at doing something a little different from the last tank, specifically planning on a FOWLR with...
  2. Alex.M.

    Tank help

    So a 3 weeks ago I had to get ACL repair on my knee. The surgery was rough as they had to remove scar tissue bulid up. For the past 3 weeks, my family has been helping me take care of my 40 gallon tank. When I left it, it had one clown, 2 cardinals and 1 firefish. Simple and easy. All fish got...