
  1. jschultzbass

    Minnesota Dry Goods AGE Custom 300 gallon tank with stand and sump and plumbing, $2K

    For sale is my custom 300 gallon (77"x30"x30") setup from AGE. Has stainless bracing, 3/4" starphire glass on 3 sides, 1" PVC bottom, Ghost overflow peninsula style. Also comes with a 36" tall steel stand and 60x20x20 acrylic sump. It was bought in 2014. It has some scratches from being...
  2. J

    Aging my G. ternatensis?

    I have had a G. ternatensis for about 3/4 of a year now, I am fairly certain that is his species and that he is a male. He molted 7 weeks ago and has not since, it seems like he molts at most every two months but it is hard for me to tell because he does not cave himself in much that I am aware...
  3. killergoby

    Am I ready for acros?

    I'm sure a lot of these get posted, but here goes. My newest tank was set up July 2020. I used primarily marco and RealReef rock for the aquascape, which is all dry. Its a barebottom with a ~50% display water volume refugium with a sand bed in the fuge. The refugium has xenia and caulerpa in...