
  1. sneekapeek

    Carbo-Calcium TM support

    I currently use all for reef from tropic Marin and I am having issues of clogged dosing lines due to crystallization. I’m hoping by switching to carbo-calcium it will be better not clogging from not being a fully saturated solution. Has anyone had issues with carbo-calcium crystallizing on...
  2. knockout

    Making the move from 2 part to All for Reef - a reef log

    I'm...going to give All for Reef a try - who is using this product? any notes in usage are appreciated! I am going to go thru the changeover to All for Reef to simplify the dosing regimen below. Understanding that AFR has a metabolic process to raise Alk in the tank and to prevent any Alk...
  3. Hans-Werner

    All-For-Reef: Enough iodine?

    Hi, My name is Hans-Werner Balling and I am doing R&D at Tropic Marin. I also have developed the All-For-Reef. Iodine is a very important trace element for coral growth, coloration and polyp extension. Low iodine concentrations slow coral growth, make the brown color fade to a pale...
Tampa Bay Saltwater Live Rock and Live Sand