advice wanted

  1. Zoa_Fanatic

    Remove clove polyps for good

    Some clove polyps hitchhiked into my tank somehow. They are isolated to a small are about the size of a half dollar on a movable top rock. I have contulinously removed them by removing the rock and brushing them off with a toothbrush destroying the polyps under running water. I don’t do this in...
  2. BennyBlenny

    Advice on power head placement and flow amount

    Hello! I am new to the saltwater game and wanted some advice on powerhead placement. I have moved them probably 10 times and feel like I’m getting close. I have also read a ton of forums and articles, but would like some personalized feedback if possible. To start: this is a 55 gallon saltwater...
  3. E

    First Saltwater Tank: Welcoming advice!

    Hi Everyone! I have years of freshwater experience and I am super excited to start my first saltwater tank. Just finished cycling my 55 gallon and have 2 Clownfish in now. I have about 75 lbs of base rock seeded with 3 lbs of live. Aragonite sand, Fluval FX4, and Max Flow wavemaker. (Yes I am...
  4. Matt Bravo

    New mangrove

    Hello I’ve just purchased a mangrove propague (I think that’s how it’s spelled) but I’m not sure if this placement is ok or if I should move it around and to where. Also what difficulties could I come across with it over time any advice is appreciated
  5. L

    125 Gallon Reef Aquarium! *UPGRADING*

    Hello Everyone! I recently moved into a new house and my spouse insisted I upgrade to a bigger tank as this was the time to do it! I was initially going to go with a 75 gallon, but we have a wall in the living room that is 6' and she told me to just go with the 6' 125 gallon tank so we don't...
  6. nomad6

    Advice welcomed, here’s my setup

    Need some advice, this tank is a 20 gal WB cube mixed reef(to include acros), high demand and heavily stocked. Livestock include mandarin, Molly, fire shrimp, rainbow nem, and small cleanup crew. Using RS pro my parameters are: Alk: 8.5 (raising it to low-mid 9s) Ca: 460 Mg:1500 No3: 8 Po4: .04...
  7. Harrynice

    Coral advice request: Red/Yellow ST Goniopora

    Hi all, I was recently gifted a frag of what I was told was a very hard to get short-tentacle goniopora. I don't know much about this specific coral, and can't find any information about it. It seems to be OK resting on the substrate at the moment, but would love it if someone who knew...
  8. Zoa_Fanatic

    Montipora Placement

    So I posted this in SPS and butchered the title. But I am wondering if my new rainbow monti will grow ok on the back wall of my biocube 16 LED? I have it setting on my lower rocks right now so it can adjust to my lighting.

    Cyano and diatoms again

    Tank is 6-7 month old, had both these when tank was around 2 month old….. Got rid of them both…. Now they are back again and both are on rocks and sand, where as before was just the sand…. They seem to have come when I added rottifers to tank…… Water they came in was green with phyto….. Asked...
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