
  1. Matt Bravo

    hammer mouth difficulties

    hey guys, so ive had this blue australian hammer for a little over 2 weeks now and hes always been pretty nicely inflated but hes been stressing me quite a bit since his mouth never closes! I have another green (malaysian i think) hammer thats currently splitting and my parms are fine (listed...
  2. R

    Coral Planning New Tank

    I'm starting to plan out my long-term coral layout and need some advice or thoughts. This is my first tank so I'm new to planning it all out. I have fallen in love with Hammers, Torches, and Frogspawn and definitely want to do a Zoa Garden. Below are pictures of my scape and what I'm thinking...
  3. B

    Is this as insane of a deal as I think it is?!

    So this guy is getting out of the hobby and is asking 60 for these theee Arizona sunbursts! Just making sure that I’m not crazy and this is an insane deal.
  4. B

    How to get cheap branching rock?

    So I wanted to add some branching rock to my aquascape to give it texture the issue is I don’t need a whole lot and just a tiny bit to add that needed texture what are some ways I can achieve this cheaply?
  5. N

    Just got my first saltwater tank. Advice pls

    Hi. So yesterday i bought my first saltwater tank from kijiji. I have 20 freshwater tanks and have always wanted to do the jump. It came with 2x clownfish, a blue damsel, 3 hermitcrabs and sand. I just put 18 lb of live rock and im running a tidal 55 and a aquaclear (small) for carbon. Once is...
  6. Richlard

    Who all is keeping g.viridis

    Who all out there is keeping gonadactylus viridis and what are their temperaments and activity levels?
  7. S

    Help identify this algae

    I’m new to the salt water community and need help identifying if this algae is a beneficial algae or a bad algae in my tank. It looks like little puff balls.
  8. M

    Empourer Angelfish

    I all, I ordered an empourer angelfish and I was curious if anyone had tips for destressing it and keeping him successfully. I have had angels in the past but they have all been dawrfs. I know they are extremely prone to ich so i was planning on keeping him in quarantine for 30 days and treating...
  9. A

    What is this?

    Hello guys we have just found this in our saltwater tank. We have just took it out, but if its safe we want to put it back in.
  10. Robbieneff

    Turned my biocube to salt water..now need good advice

    So I recently turned my biocube 32 to salt water and I used live sand live rock and bottled seawater to fill it used turbo start and had it cycle for a week... I have a clown fish, a small naso tang that might be a blonde since it started showing yellow on the top and he will be moved to my...