
  1. TangoTang

    Return Pump Programming

    Hello, So I have been having issues with my feed mode codes lately which trigger the apex to cancel the feed mode automatically. What I would like to do is for the return pump to just respond to one feed mode and not Feed A,B,C. Here is my code for my two powerheads: Fallback OFF Set ON If...
  2. LexMueller

    Maxima Clam Care

    Hello! I have a 25 gallon Water Box peninsula mini and just purchased a 2-3” Ultra Maxima clam. It hasn’t arrived yet but, I’m just looking to gain some more information about their care and them as an invert. I already have done a bunch of research but just looking for more as it’s coming...
  3. D

    Best resources for both basic and advanced Apex coding?

    I want to help a very close friend understand the way Apex/fusion works, while also giving them the resources to learn how to write their own commands both basic and advanced. Can anyone recommend some good resources for me?
  4. polyppal

    Experienced Reefkeepers - Help with article on 'Common mistakes new hobbyists make'

    I'm writing an article for my LRC on common mistakes that we often see people make in this hobby, and how they can be avoided. I thought id pick the minds of fellow experienced reefers here (since we see and respond to such posts daily here) Not interested in debates or crackpot theories on...
  5. pelphrey

    Gyre Advanced Controller Shutting Off - Random Mode 100%

    I am running two 230's on my tank with the advanced controller. Both pumps are running in "Random" mode. When I adjust the speed of both pumps up to 100% they will run for about a minute and the controller will shut off. Last night it took my 5 minutes to get the controller to come back on, I...
  6. Ditto

    Switching Controllers from Apex to GHL

    The title of the thread says it all. I am not going to bash Neptune systems, all I am going to say mine crashed again, and the word fluke in the technical response left me going I cannot take any more chances. This was my second hard crash of the system, where both time the system came up in an...