adding new fish

  1. LandlockedZissou816

    Introduction of new clown fish

    Hey everyone, I had a clownfish commit suicide the other day, leaving our remaining clownfish alone. My first impulse is to introduce a new clownfish into the tank, but Im worried about the prospect of them not getting along, maybe the old clownfish being territorial. He has been in the tank...
  2. maurice-io

    Livestock addition advice for introduction order and coral sequencing

    Hello, I made this list of what I understand to be compatible and reefsafe fish, but I need advice/confirmation that this is correct, and then advice on the introduction order (I already have the 1 oscellaris and the 2 firefish) I also plan to add corals (LPS then SPS as I learn more) -- the...
  3. SaltyShel

    New Fish

    Hey y’all!! Hope everyone is well. I have a 16g biocube I just set up, it’s a bare bottom with dry rock. I put some biospira in it but I don’t have any fish in there. i have a tank running that has a fish in it but I got it from my dad about 9 months ago, already set up with a fish & CUC, so...
  4. thereefhotspot

    How to Acclimate Saltwaterfish

    Check out our new YouTube video on how to acclimate your saltwater fish! (Click the link not the picture) Visit our website: How do you guys acclimate your fish? What do you think of the video? Like and subscribe for more! #saltwaterfish #reeftank #coral...
  5. wvfeefkeeper80

    How many more fish…

    Hey all! I’m coming up on my second year in my tank. 32.5 Fluval marine. I have a few coral and growing, but my question is about stock. Am I able to add any more fish safely? I currently have: 2 clown 1 Six Line wrasse 1 royal gamma 1 yellow goby 1 red carpet anemone 1 bubble tip anemone...
  6. ajtomase

    Order of adding fish to new tank (after cycle)

    I’m getting Red Sea Reefer 750 (200 gallon) tank in 2 weeks. After my tank is done with Dr. Tim’s fish-less cycle, I’m not sure if this is the right order to add the fish that I want: Right after tank finishes fish-less cycle Clownfish (2) After 2-weeks with just clownfish (each species added...
  7. ajtomase

    Order of adding fish to new tank (after cycle)

    I’m getting Red Sea Reefer 750 (200 gallon) tank in 2 weeks. After my tank is done with Dr. Tim’s fish-less cycle, I’m not sure if this is the right order to add the fish that I want: Right after tank finishes fish-less cycle Clownfish (2) After 2-weeks with just clownfish (each species added...
  8. M

    90 gallon Tank Mates?

    Hey everyone I recently had a goby perish and am looking for ideas of replacements for sometime don’t want another goby as there is 100 gallons of live rock and he was not easy to confirm dead. I have 2 maybe 1/2-1 in clowns A blue tang about 1 and 1/2 inch (tang police relax I already have...
  9. MummysReefTank

    Advice on order of fish into tank.

    Hi All! This is my first post; I’ve got the tank up and running and it has been cycling for the past 2 weeks, its only resident a now delightfully bloated (dead) prawn.... and some Dr Tim’s. The tank size is 450l and I'd like people’s recommendations on what order to add the below fish in. They...
  10. FamilyMan_4

    New to QT

    Hey, I'm going to drop a quick question and hope for some healthy, constructive conversation here. I know this is a topic that has a general consensus, but after that it is very opinionated. I am in the middle of my cycle now and looking to prepare for livestock. I have a 30g AIO display. I...
  11. ajtomase

    Getting first first for tank

    Hi everyone, getting my Reefer 750 (160 gallons) tank soon and planning for it to be a FOWLR tank! Here's my fish wish-list below, anyone suggestion anything else I can add? Looking for lots of color and a variety of species! Fish Banggai Cardinal Fish Lawnmower Blenny Blue Reef Chromis...
  12. N11morales

    32G Biocube Stock List

    Hello I was wondering how many fish is okay to add in my tank and if these fish are compatible and able to all live together. I Have: 2 Oscellaris Clownfish Royal Gramma goby/pistol shrimp pair fire shrimp I Want to add: 2 banggai carindals fairy wrasse ( open to other ideas: types of wrasses...
  13. vivekshankarpmk

    New Tank Cycling

    Its Been 40 days since starting cycling my new tank. I added 4 mollies by slowly converting them to saltwater environment. Its in the tank for the past 5 days they are doing good and taking marine pellets. My question is when shall i add marine fishes and when should i turn on the protein...
  14. Spydersweb

    How often to add new fish?

    Hello all, So this would be added to a newly cycled 90 gallon aquarium. With two small fish be appropriate to add after cycling? With three fish be OK? Or should I just add one? After adding the fish, when would be appropriate to add another fish or two? After two weeks? After a month? With...
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