adding fish

  1. 1Matthew

    Upgrading Tanks - Fish

    Hi all, recently I upgraded my 55 gallon to a 90 gallon tank. The tank was bought off someone and I got everything up and running yesterday. The tank already came with a good amount of fish in it which I plan to take some out and give to my Lfs. Currently, there are a pair of ocellaris, a coral...
  2. KameronManning

    Order of fish to add after cycling?

    Hey everyone ! I’m currently setting up a 40 gallon cube. Should be done cycling in a bout 2 weeks using dr Tim’s. I wanted to ask which order I should add my fish in, since I’m going to be keeping new fish that I haven’t kept before. More info below . Thanks for any help! Fish: Pair of...
  3. ajtomase

    Order of adding fish to new tank (after cycle)

    I’m getting Red Sea Reefer 750 (200 gallon) tank in 2 weeks. After my tank is done with Dr. Tim’s fish-less cycle, I’m not sure if this is the right order to add the fish that I want: Right after tank finishes fish-less cycle Clownfish (2) After 2-weeks with just clownfish (each species added...
  4. ajtomase

    Order of adding fish to new tank (after cycle)

    I’m getting Red Sea Reefer 750 (200 gallon) tank in 2 weeks. After my tank is done with Dr. Tim’s fish-less cycle, I’m not sure if this is the right order to add the fish that I want: Right after tank finishes fish-less cycle Clownfish (2) After 2-weeks with just clownfish (each species added...
  5. J

    What can I add to a tank with an established Clownfish and Orchid Dottyback?

    I have a Red Sea Max E-170 (34G Display) with a pretty well-established ORA Black Ocellaris Clownfish and an equally well-established ORA Orchid Dottyback. My clownfish is the boss of the tank and makes sure the Dotty knows it whenever she swims over to his side. I successfully kept a Yellow...
  6. Zhill731

    Stocking Advice: 24g Cube AIO

    Hi All, I have a 24 cal cube, looking to keep LPS ands softies along with fish. I currently have 2 Ocellaris clownfish and would like to add in the future (in order of preference) helfrichi firefish Diamond Goby Pistol Shirmp Bangii Cardinal (2?) Would this be okay in regards to compatibly...
  7. ajtomase

    Stocking list approval

    Hello everyone, I'm looking at getting a Reefer 625 (133 gallon tank, 32 gallon sump) and would like to stock it with the following fish below. I plan on having a protein skimmer that can handle 175 gallon heavy bioload. I know that not all these fish will be added right away since some take a...
  8. ajtomase

    Getting first first for tank

    Hi everyone, getting my Reefer 750 (160 gallons) tank soon and planning for it to be a FOWLR tank! Here's my fish wish-list below, anyone suggestion anything else I can add? Looking for lots of color and a variety of species! Fish Banggai Cardinal Fish Lawnmower Blenny Blue Reef Chromis...
  9. DrewFish

    Just how "same time" is the old mantra "you have to add all of your tangs at the 'same time'"?

    I am in the cycling phase of my Red Sea Reefer XXL 750. While not a monster, it is 200 system gallons and should be able to support a few tangs. While I sit and daydream of my stock list, reading how to do it right, I see over and over again that one should add all of the tangs at the same time...
  10. ajtomase

    New tank (Reefer 625 XXL)...too many fish?

    Hi everyone, I'm looking to get the Reefer 625 XXL which is a 132 gallon tank (not including the additional gallons in the sump). I'm putting together a wishlist of fish I want to include (fish only tank with live rock), but I'm not sure if I have too many fish/invertibrates: Cardinal fish...
  11. efrainrodz.94

    Adding Pink-Streaked Wrasse

    Hi guys, I have a fluval 13.5 with two clownfish and a bicolor blenny. I wanted to add another fish and I was thinking about Pink-Streaked Wrasse. Do you guys think I am overstocking? Is the Pink-Streaked Wrasse a good option for my fluval 13.5? Will Pink-Streaked Wrasse get along with my...
  12. SimplyVibing

    Psychotic clownfish: adding tankmates?

    So I have an absolutely crazy clownfish, who bites/slaps/headbutts literally anything that comes into her tank, whether it be me, new corals, rocks, equipment, and especially fish. Needless to say this is currently a one-fish tank. Really want to add another clownfish and definitely clean up...
  13. Dylan7huskies

    Can I add a 2nd clown?!

    I currently have one clown and one damsel in my 20gal tank. I was told today that I couldn’t add another clown because would fight? Let me know what you guys think??
  14. Bhor217

    Ok to add more fish yet?

    Hi All, So I have a 150G FOWLR tank that currently has a small picasso trigger and porcupine puffer. The tank has gone through the cycling process, and since getting the trigger and porcupine (5/17) my parameters have been very stable, showing no Ammonia, no nitrites and 20ppm nitrates. My...
  15. ileas12:

    Can I add more fish?

    I added a pair of clownfish to my new 30 gallon tank last week. Ammonia and Nitrite have stayed at 0 and nitrate has remained under 40. Can I add another fish? If yes it would be a watchman goby and shrimp.
  16. C

    Time to stop watching live rock grow

    So the time has come to start getting fishies for me tank. I have come up with a few fish that I would like to add to my eventual reef tank. I wanted to know if I should add them all at once or phase them in. I came up with the following for my beginner list: Cardinal Fish 2 Yellow Tang...
  17. alexytman

    Water Quality and feather dusters

    I have feather dusters on my LR and they've opened up for a few days. Does that mean my water quality is good enough to house fish (damsel fish like clown fish, hardy things) and add CUC. Of course I'm going to do 10% water change b4 adding.
Cultivated Reef