acrylic diy

  1. S

    can you get bubbles out of a bonded acrylic seam?

    Made a bad bond today where kinda everything went wrong leaving a quarter-inch clear acrylic seam in a sump build littered with bubbles. looks awful. Is there anything that can be done at this point?
  2. psyduckie

    40 Gallon AIO Acrylic Build

    Hello! I just got into the hobby. Decided to save some money and build an acrylic tank. My tank is 36x24x12 (lwh). I have attached some pics as well. Before I add water and start cycling, I was wondering if anyone has any experience building acrylic tanks. I wanted to know if one brace across...
  3. Mason Michalski

    Questions for any Acrylic Pros (Sump/Aquarium/General Builders)

    Hey guys, so I have some questions only for those with experience bonding these materials, as I am in the final stages of a $600 Acrylic Sump build, and this final bond stage is so important for the quality and life of the sump. I found a little bit of material from Melevsreef on how to bond...
Queen City Corals