
  1. CltBadger

    Paletta Pink Tip how much par?

    Hey guys, How much par would you suggest for a paletta pink tip, to get the pink tips? Thanks!
  2. Reefboy1

    LOOK! Black Friday!! high end corals!! Elect's JB"S, Nem's, Acro's, Chal's, Bounce's, OG's, Bio's

    I have been growing and hording some of the best corals. It is time to share the love. lol Standard DOA"S apply. must take a picture of coral in the unopened bag within 2 hours of delivery if DOA. Anything over $500 will include shipping. $50 shipping if under $500 FedEx overnight local pickup...
  3. Reefboy1

    LOOK! Black Friday!! high end corals!! Elect's JB"S, Nem's, Acro's, Chal's, Bounce's, OG's, Bio's

    I have been growing and hording some of the best corals. It is time to share the love. lol Standard DOA"S apply. must take a picture of coral in the unopened bag within 2 hours of delivery if DOA. Anything over $500 will include shipping. $50 shipping if under $500 FedEx overnight local pickup...
Southwest Aquaculture - a coral lover's dream!