
  1. Karen00

    Dipping and acclimating corals (softies)

    Hello fellow saltines, I tried looking for a thread on dipping and acclimating corals but couldn't find anything that speaks to both and how it's done. I will most likely be starting with softies. Do I get them acclimated in a separate container and then dip or do I dip and then acclimate? I'm...
  2. agame2021

    Rose Bubble Tip Anemones

    Acclimation time! How long to you let the BTA’s drip? Salinity is still pretty high for my tank… my tank is about 31.9 and water with nems are 34.4 ppm. They have been in there for about 2 hours and 15 minutes.(I just took some water out of the bucket they are in) Also what is this white stuff...
  3. LxHowler

    Advice on changing to LED

    Hello, so I have a 100l cube aquarium that is currently running on T5 lights, the ones that came in the hood, but these are starting to play up. Sometimes they cut out or take a while and they are constantly dim. Because of this I am looking at swapping to a AI prime but I was wondering how I...
  4. lazycouch

    how many clean up crew members can i add at once?

    hey guys i was just thinking about upgrading my clean up crew soon. i currently have 2 small hermits and 1 large cleaner shrimp (30 gallon tank about 20 lbs live rock). I was wondering if it'd be cool to add 1 more small hermit and 2 small nassarius snails at the same time? if no, why not? just...
  5. lazycouch

    cleaner shrimp gave birth during acclimation????

    hey everyone i was acclimating my shrimp yesterday and when i went to look at him i noticed a bunch of these guys floating around! i’m not sure if they’re baby shrimp or copepods but they sure look and move like shrimp!
  6. Cstar_BC

    Acclimating corals to higher alk

    So my water is staying at 11dkh (hanna) after watching the brs video on alk and coral growth I think I’m just going to leave my stable water alone instead of chasing NSW numbers how can you acclimate corals to higher dkh without shocking them ? anyone with experience greatly appreciated
  7. A

    Acclimating saltwater mollies to freshwater?

    So I’ve done a lot of googling, and everything I can find is all about acclimating freshwater mollies to salt, but I can’t find anything about the opposite. I was setting up my saltwater aquarium and wanted some cheap cyclers for my tank, so I decided to go with mollies because I read that...