acan care

  1. T

    Acan Lord help

    I have had this acan for about 2 weeks and it has never puffed up and it is slowly showing more and more skeleton. I feed is mysis and fish pellets every other day. I am checking my parameters now so will post in a minute. I also have it in low light and flow. Not shadows though. My tank is...
  2. T

    Is my acan looking okay?

    It is a new acan I got so I understand it will be stressed. I am just trying to take caution. This is my first acan so I'm wondering if it should look like this.
  3. E

    What coral is this?

    Anyone got any idea what this coral could be? Believed it was an Acan from the lfs but not grown or liked any Acan loving positions in the tank and had it a few months… any ideas?
  4. maryocean7

    Acan help

    Can anyone help me identify what is growing on the bottom of my acan? Almost looks like slime but it's the first time I've seen it. First timer in the hobby so not family with all pests or diseases. Thanks in advance.
  5. R

    Acan algae or Acan behavior?

    Hey all, I Purchased an Acan frag and put it in my tank yesterday. Last night it had a ring of color on the sand under it and then woke up to what looked like hair algae growing from the sand bed around it. Is this common of an Acan or did it being in some algae with it? Any help would be...
  6. TheFruitGoon

    Acan Help!

    I’ve had this acan for about two months now with no problems and when I checked my tank this evening I noticed several odd ‘bumps’ on it. They look like little white spots but each ‘spot’ is made up of several little pieces. I’m not quite sure how to describe it. (Will add a picture below it may...
  7. 1Matthew

    LPS dominated tank-Problems

    Hello all! I currently have a 60 gallon reed tank that has been having some problems. I run 2 AI prime lights in my tank and seem to notice a couple things. My acans have not seemed to do very well where the light hits em, however they are encrusted to the actual rock. Also, many of my corals...
  8. T

    Is this normal for a acan?

    So I noticed one of my acan corals mouth was wide open with whit stringy things coming out. I was wondering if this was normal or if anyone has seen this before
  9. J

    Acans closed

    Hello, I have a couple frags of acans and it seems like they have closed up the past couple days. Everything else seems to be doing just fine, the acans have been fully open since the day I got them. My tank parameters are stable. The only thing I can think of is I added fish from my QT tank to...
  10. Zoa_Fanatic

    Acan coral turning orange and green

    I have a blue/red acan that’s slowly morphing into an orange/green/rainbow color. Is this normal? I kinda preferred the red and blue. Any way I can get it to return to normal colors?
  11. A

    What’s wrong with my Acan

    I purchased this Acan a few months ago... and it was gorgeous! But it has seemed to deteriorate the last few months. And it probably didn’t help anything when we had that snow storm in Texas abs lost power for almost a week...But even before that it was t looking great. I moved it down to the...
  12. S

    Acan coral behavior

    Hi Everyone, I had this acan in my tank and was doing well. But I could see one of the heads half deflated. I am not sure if this is normal or not? Can anyone please help me? I have attached both before and after pictures. Thank you so much in advance.
  13. Zoa_Fanatic

    Are acan lords fish safe?

    I know some acan species have strong sweepers. And I know the lords are now a micromussa species. Can j keep smaller fish with an acan lord? Getting my first one soon and I’m planning to add two tiny WW clownfish to my dt. It’s a biocube 32. If they’re not safe around acans I’ll put it in my 16...
  14. Zoa_Fanatic

    Acan Coral help

    So I just won an acan coral for dirt cheap in an auction online. Is this the dangerous kind of acan (like is it a lord or an enchenata)? I don’t know much about these guys so I’m looking for some help. Can I put this in a tank with my Zoa or will it kill them? If I put it in my 16 biocube led...
  15. J

    Acan help please :)

    I am quite new to keeping corals and reefing in general. My tank is a 40 gallon, about 5 months old now. I recently purchased this acan about three weeks ago. Colour looks great, he loves to eat, but I’ve just noticed this pink fleshy looking “thing” between the polyps on the left side. I can...
  16. Imnotjakeyv

    Red Acan randomly shrinks

    Just got home from work and everything was puffy and nice, I’ve been sitting here the whole time and and nothing bothered it or touched it in general now it looks like this! It’s just the one polyp but that one is the biggest one of them all. Do they normally randomly shrink from time to time...
  17. Slickraptor13

    What happened to my Acan?

    So I have a nano tank that has been up for about a year now, and I'm starting to add some corals to it. My tank inhabitants are as follows: 2 nano clowns, an orchid dottyback, a lawnmower blenny, some snails and a peppermint shrimp. Coral wise, i have a small colony of GSP, two Zoa's, a...
  18. Zoa_Fanatic

    Safe LPS to keep with candy canes

    Are there any LPS that won’t sting my candy canes to death? I like acans a lot and favia but I hear they sting. I also have a small zoa colony that I can’t ID yet so idk how hardy they are. Photos of my colonies attached. Parameters are: -Ammonia 0 ppm -Nitrate 15 ppm -Nitrite 0 ppm -pH 8.0-8.2
  19. Reefer37

    Algae Growth on Acan Skeleton

    Does anyone have tips on maybe better placement or things that can be done to prevent algae grown on acan skeletons? This pic was taken like 15 mins after lights came on, so they aren't looking too happy in these pics. But it's something I've begun to notice and I feel like I'm having issues...