
  1. Quicklynx

    Maryland Live Goods Free 9" Desjardini Tang - has HLLE, For Sale: Spawning Clown Pairs

    Hello, I have a 9" Dejardini Tang that I need to re-home. I was given it by a local fish store due to the HLLE. It has got a little better but still there. It was fully QT utilizing Copper, Metro, Molly tested, etc.. and used to be in my big tank which has no parasites. Also, to mention, my...
  2. Nutramar Foods

    Photo of The Week: Aberrant Regal Angelfish

    We have been bringing in some beautiful and unique Aberrant Angelfish that are truly one of a kind. Aberrant refers to the markings and colors that differ from the “normal” colorations of the species. They are very rarely seen in the aquarium trade and bring a lot of excitement to hobbyists...
  3. Trinh Fish & Corals

    RARE Aberrant Undulated Triggerfish Available $3500 FREE SHIPPING

    RARE Aberrant Undulated Triggerfish Available $3500 FREE SHIPPING. He is HUGE & awesome.
  4. Trinh Fish & Corals

    Unique Mark on Purple Tang

    I have this unique marking on my purple tang on his top dorsal fin. Is it an aberrant marking? Stress mark? Any ideas? Thanks.
  5. barista7105

    Aberrant Regal tang

    Got this for 3 weeks, kept in 210g tank. Has been adapting very well