a160 we

  1. T

    Georgia WTB Kessil a160we tuna blue

    Don't need anything in excellent condition just trying to match lights up on the tank. I already have mounts and controllers so I'm really only looking for the light. The a80s just don't put out enough
  2. T

    USA WTB Want to buy Kessil A160WE Tuna Blue

    Need another for my build. Willing to trade as well. I have a lot of different kessils
  3. ryan2577p

    Tennessee Lighting Dry Goods SOLD (3) Kessil A-160 WE Tuna Blues

    I’ve got (3) Kessil A-160 WE Tuna Blues for sale. Would like to sell them as a package deal. Asking $500 shipped for all (3). Lightly used. All power bricks and cables NIB.

    Kessil A160 WE Tuna Blue w/ Spectral Controller X AND Gooseneck- 7 mnths old.

    I just bought this 3-4 weeks ago on here, pics attached, they are 6 months old as advertised. Mint condition. Of course I opened to make certain they Work perfectly. They are In original boxes. After I set up my tank, i went to install it today and the gooseneck mount doesn't fit due to the...