1. S

    Emergency is this BTA too far gone!?

    Woke up to my BTA looking like this today. It’s been looking a bit rough and I’ve been keeping an eye on parameters and staying on top of feeding it. Other BTA looks great. Is this one too far gone and if not how can I help it?
  2. SaltyShel

    EMERGENCY Stringy thing coming from bottom of maroon clown

    Help please!!! This stringy thing is attached to my clown’s underside, directly under where the middle white line is located on his body. I have a bunch of pictures for y’all. Obviously the string is moving around in the water but it keeps getting longer! It’s got a thick piece at the bottom and...
  3. D

    40 ppt salinity how to bring down

    So a few days ago I got a purple tang looked happy. Two days later dead. My water was fine everything great. So I went to my go to fish store. He tested water and my salinity was 40 ppt. My salinity tester (digital) failed me tested incorrectly... So the tang was shocked so makes sense he...
  4. SaltyShel

    EMERGENCY Help!!!

    Someone please help!!! I have a pincushion urchin who’s been dropping spines… I thought it was shedding… I have really high nitrates and low ish salinity 1.021 ish and Ive been trying to bring up slow due to being told urchins are sensitive and the last water change I did is when he started...
  5. Cstar_BC

    911: Torch tissue receding

    Hi , This torch was added on wed 19 and has been fine up until today . The torches next to it are fine - don’t notice any bugs Parameters Salinity: 1.025 Nitrate : 40 (I did a 30% WC ) Dkh : 9.4 Temp is always 76.6-76.8 This is the problem one Just to show that the others are okay and...