#90 gallon

  1. B

    Stocking help

    So I have been setting up a 90 gal (4ft standard) for the past 4 months and am finalizing my fish stocking. Watchman goby A pair of osolarious clowns (sorry about spelling) 6 line wrase here is where I’m uncertain and have questions I want a kole tang but I also like yellow tangs, I’ve tease...
  2. B

    Best way to cycle new tank with old tank?

    So pretty much I’m upgrading from a 55gal to a 90gal.I’ve had my 55 for about 3 years and it’s very mature, I’ll be using everything from the frist tank in my new tank.in the tank tank I’m also adding about 50% more dry rock. Im just wondering if there is a good method to allowingy new tank to...
  3. B

    Need help with 90 gal stocking!

    So pretty much i am upgrading my tank and my selection is a kole tang, two clowns, and a watchman goby, I was thinking of getting a pair of bangaii cardinals but would love to hear suggestions (might get a wrassel?) just want to hear some ideas on fish that could replace the Bangaiis
Geo's Reef