6 line wrasse

  1. ravalos2282

    EMERGENCY 6 line wrasse

    Hello I have my 6 line wrasse on my QT and I noticed one white spot on its Tail on each side on the same area. And it also notice a white bump on mouth with red around it. Qt is being treated with copper. Pictures taken while I was doing a FW Dip please help
  2. phillipsjo21

    Strip Tests vs Liquid Drop Test

    Need some opinions/advice. My LFS that carry saltwater fish is Petco. Other nearest stores are minimum an hour away. I've had a nano AIO running for over a year now and the current fish in there came from my local Petco. I quarentined them first and they are still alive and well today. I set up...
  3. G

    6 line wrasse looks sick

    Came home today to my 6 line wrasse looks like he is struggling. Has been fine until i added a dose of mixed pods and a new coral. Today is water change day but levels arent much higher then usual. Does anyone know what's wrong with him? He seems to be stuck in a bent position and cant move...
  4. S

    Missing 6 line wrasse

    Hi all, I currently have a 32 gal biocube and finally moved my fish(2 clowns, watchman goby, 6 line wrasse) from my 13.5 evo to the biocube. All of my fish/coral are doing great after the move, most opened fully after a hour in the new tank. However I haven't seen my 6 line wrasse sense the...
  5. VanCityReef

    Can you mix copper and prazi?? Clownfish & 6-Line

    Hey guys, I'm currently quarantining two small clownfish and one small 6-line wrasse. Over the course of a week I have slowly been bringing them up to therapeutic levels of copper. I am noticing that both clowns have white stringy poop which, (feel free to correct me if I am wrong) are symptoms...
  6. j.register3

    Fluval EVO 13.5 Gallon: 4 Month Old Showcase

    Just wanted to share some pics of the nano today. Still got some work to do, but at 4 months old & my first saltwater tank, I am very proud! All the fish are happy/healthy & 95% of the corals are thriving. Fighting the last bits of cyano after consistently overdosing Red Sea AB+ for about 2...