
  1. TheWackyWiz

    5 gallon DIY Fuge feedback?

    Hi Everyone, I recently posted about the HOB 70 refugium have set up and ya'll really came through with great guidance so thank you for that! I've been thinking more about my set up and I have a Marineland 5g Portrait that I am wondering if I could turn into a stand alone fuge? I would locate...
  2. This guy is Extra Salty

    DIY AIO 5gallon nano

    So I was a bit bored at work and was like hey let’s build something I figured why not better than dying of boredom.. I found a few pieces of acrylic and decided to make a “prototype” AIO.. about 15 minutes later coming off a laser cutter and some weld-on Go ahead and critique it I know some...
Champion Lighting & Supply