55 gallon

  1. C

    55 gallon stocking ideas

    Hi, I plan to stock my 55 gallon soon and I want some ideas for the stocking list These are the fish/invertebrates that I want for certainty : 2 ocellaris clownfish, 1 hector's goby (I will add after the sandbed is more "established"), 1 red firefish, 1 cleaner shrimp, and cuc (mix of...
  2. B

    6 month update

    Hey guys I would like to show my 6 month update on my 55 gallon reef tank. Everything has went surprisingly smooth the biggest struggle I have had with it is the sand bed being so dirty. Would love some tips or advice to have this thing in great condition at the 1 year mark. Parameters 1.025...
  3. BloopFish

    Flex in Bottom Trim of 55 Gallon Aquarium

    I was cleaning my 55g aquarium and I flipped it over to inspect it further. It seems that some of the bottom trim flexes a little when I try to push against it. Is this structurally concerning? It doesn't seem to leak from what I could tell - it's been holding water for days.
  4. Ashtaroth

    Stocking ideas for a 55

    Give me some good fish ideas please! So far I have: 2 clownfish 1 baby yellow tang 1 royal gramma basslet 1 firefish 1 engineer goby is this overstocked already? I want some big fish but only if they can stay in a 55 all their life, unlike the tang. I plan on rehoming the tang once it gets big.

    Florida Miscellaneous Package Deal Drygoods Aqueon 40g Breeder Fish Room Setup (Twelve Tanks Plus Racks and Polycarbonate Lids)

    Dismantled my fish room a few years back and finally getting around to selling everything. First up are (12) 40B painted on the bottom and sides white with stacking oriented book end style. Complete turn key setup. Includes four Gorilla 60" racks that stacked in pairs allows all twelve to be...
  6. C

    Lighting for 55 gallon mix reef

    Hello, I bought one reefled 50 light for my 55 gallon mixed reef. I was recommended to by two by my local fish store. But I only bought one because of the price. Before I bought the second I wanted to know if they were good for 55 gallon tanks. Thanks for any response or help!
  7. CallMeLloyd

    [HELP] First Timer Cycling Tank

    Tank: 55 Gallon Breeder, Fiji Pink Live sand, Dry rocks So I am on day 13 of my cycle. On day 1 I added Dr. Tims One & Only & Pure Ammonia and waited 24 hrs and tested the water. I had Ammonia and Nitrites present. On day 12 my Ammonia & Nitrites went to 0. So yesterday I dosed more Ammonia to...
  8. G

    Fish for tank

    I was wondering if I could keep these fish in a 55 gallon a dwarf fuzzy lionfish,Tomini tang, x2 flame fish angelfish,Toby puffer, blue streak wrasse also is their any more room after this or no also the tang is a rectangle and has plenty room it has like 25 lbs of live rock
  9. A

    Flame hawkfish with gobies?

    Hey guys, So I’ve been checking out various fish I can add to my 55 gallon reef to round things off. One of the fish I’ve been looking at is the flame hawkfish and I saw that Matthew recommended this fish in a stock list similar to mine for a 40 gallon reef on the BRS channel. I would really...
  10. Dad2Wyatt

    Coral Stocking Plan

    How do you all go about deciding where to place your corals? I’m not talking about high or low light/flow, but more so where within the area of the tank they would succeed? I’ve narrowed down a list of possible corals I’d like to add, but haven’t been able to pull the trigger on any because I...
  11. Dad2Wyatt

    Build Thread 55 gallon mixed reef

    First ever saltwater tank! Started with bc an Aqueon 55 LED starter kit and went to upgrading! Current upgrades include: Cheap soon to be replaced powerhead Viparspectra 165 lights Next up I will be upgrading powerheads and filtration! Current Stock Ocellaris clownfish Orange ricordea...
  12. G

    Thinking about coral, no idea what to do.

    Hello! So I currently have a 55 gal FOWLR tank. It’s now about 4 months old. Has been cycled for a month or so. I am new to the reef tank hobby and I believe I have a decent handle on maintaining a healthy/happy tank. I’ve definitely made some mistakes in the beginning and have learned so much...
  13. Dad2Wyatt

    How does my 55 gallon stock plan look?

    I currently have a juvenile ocellaris clownfish and an orange ricordea mushroom in my tank. In order I am thinking of adding these fish though I’m not sure if adding all of these are possible or if I would need to cut down. black and white ocellaris clown Royal gramma or carpenters wrasse...
  14. Dad2Wyatt

    In desperate need of help with this 55 gallon aquascape

    I know I know.. 55 gallons suck but here I am.
  15. Brendanb5

    55 gallon stocking ideas

    I have a 55 gallon display with a 20 gallon sump. Moving over from my 32 biocube is a pair of clowns, a Royal gramma, a tailspot blenny, and a tiger pistol shrimp. The pistol used to be paired with a watchman goby and I’d like to get him another goby, looking for suggestions on what other gobies...
  16. G

    Florida WTB Selling my complete 55 gallon tank

    Relocating to Texas soon, as much as I don't want to part ways with my fish tank, unfortunately I have to. -55 Gallon Aqueon Tank Dimensions Length 48.75 IN x Height 21.25 IN x Width 14 IN. -Comes with two bifold glass lids. Icecap 2000 Wifi Controller and Pump -Reef Octopus Protein...
  17. C

    Tang police don’t arrest me please , just curious

    Currently have a 55 gallon long tank , planning on upgrading to a 125 or 150 gallon in the next 4 months , how bad would it be if I added a baby naso tang in there for those 4 months ? Currently in tank: 1x Orange spotted goby 2x oscillators clownfish
  18. MareR

    55 Gallon Reef tank crashed...when to restart?

    Hello hello. I just got into the hobby after moving to a new place that would have the space for a 55 gallon tank. I figured going BIG but not TOO big would be a good way to start. Everything was going good for the last 5 months-had a lovely torch coral that was doing fantastic, a hammer that...
  19. fishmanmilex

    Upgrade time! What do i need for a 55?

    So, ive got a low stock, sump-less, coral-less 20. its got a standard hob, and its been runnig for about two years. Im planning on upgrading to a 55 with a skimmer and corals, and maybe a sump. What do i need to know? Ive got the fish preplanned, but you all know how that goes. Either way, what...
  20. M

    New 55 gallon predator fish only tank (cleap up crew)

    Hello, everyone. I’m brand smacking new to the marine hobby and I have been doing extensive, thorough, and tedious research on my new tank I’m currently cycling. My tank mates will be: snowflake moray eel dogface puffer porcupine puffer dwarf (zebra or fuzzy) lionfish I know its mixed...
  21. adamlodge14

    55 gallon stocking

    Hi, I am curious about 55 gallon stocking. I don’t have a 55 gallon, I’m just really interested in what could live with a pair of maroon clowns in a 55 gallon. I know they can be very aggressive so what other stocking would you recommend to go with them in a 55 gallon?
  22. jackalexander

    Female Leopard Wrasse

    I was thinking about getting an ornate leopard wrasse for my 55g tank and live aquaria lists them as an EXPERT ONLY fish. Is this true or is there any easy way to get them on frozen meaty foods?
  23. fox0521

    Too much rock??

    Hey folks! I’ve got a 55 gallon set up as a peninsula. The tank is about 4 months old, and my question today is: can you have too much rock? I am worried that my tank won’t allow enough swimming room for additional fish, as I’ve already seen some minor aggression (territorial, clowns chase goby...
  24. Swanky

    Build Thread Day Late, & Always a Dollar Short!

    I've been meaning to work on this build thread, and seeing as how this is my very first foray into our wonderful salty world - I find myself with a week of vacation, and figured better late than never. Also, the timing couldn't be better as right about the Fourth of July here in the states, will...
  25. H

    Is this stocking good for a 55g predator tank?

    1 Snowflake Eel 1 Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish 1 Fu Manchu Lionfish 1 Marine Betta 1 Longnose Hawkfish