
  1. cwb_reeftank

    Build Thread 30 breeder

    I've had a build thread on here before with a 55 but I have recently moved to Tampa (back at the end of March). I setup a little temporary 30 breeder. However now I am keeping it for a little bit till I get my 75 down here or if I see a nicely priced setup down here I'll get it. But with this...
  2. cwb_reeftank

    Stocking list for 30 breeder help

    Hello, I'm doing a sps dominated 30 breeder and right now I only have one clown fish in it and I was hoping I could get some suggestions what I could put in it. I was think maybe some gobbies but I wasn't sure if I could maybe do two different gobbies with two pistol shrimp. Also if anyone knows...
Aquarium Specialty