
  1. tjsweldind94

    *Help* Alk is dropping less the calcium? (Dosing Help)

    75 Gallon water volume with sump, Not seeing any precipitation or anything my alk dropped from 9.1dkh to 8.6dkh in 3 days and the brs calculator recommends dosing 21.4ml of brs liquid soda ash to get back to 9.1dkh which would be 7.13ml per day to keep it stable, but on the other hand I’m thrown...
  2. BReefer13

    Trident Controlled Dosing w/ ESV-Bionic 2 Part

    Hello all. I run the controlled dosing for my 2-part and I see that DOS & Trident do not dose equal amounts of the ESV-Bionic 2 part. I wonder if this is a common thing or if you guys have it dosing the same each day? I mean, I do not see how could we make it dose the same as the dosage is...
  3. Andrew Schubert

    Calcium Levels ...not understanding why it won't go down :-(

    In my 120 gallon I have 32 Acro frags (3 about yr old mini colonies now, and the rest new within the last 3 months), along with a couple montis, snails, and finally starting to see the start of some coraline algae growing on the glass. I picked up a DOS about 2 months ago and switched over to...
  4. Txdragonslayer

    GHL Maxi Unboxing - review to follow

    I just wanted topost this quick video I pre-ordered the GHL Maxi during the all the Black Friday sales. I Had my eye on a DOS for a very long time, but couldn't get over the shape of the DOS. I may be unique in that regard, but i had purchased 2 DOS units and two DDR's and sent them back. I...