
  1. Skarniqo

    Build Thread Carlo's 16 Gallon Biocube LED

    Tank Specs Display: Coralife BioCube 16 LED, 15" L x 16.75" W x 17.5" H Stand: None Rock: Dry rock from local fish store Sand: Bought with the tank not sure Lighting: Stock Biocube LED Heater: Eheim Jager 100 Watt Circulation: Maxi Jet 900 pump Skimmer: None Filtration: Stock Filter Media: In...
  2. SaltyShel

    Worm or snail poop??

    Hey so I moved my snail (I think it’s a turbo) and hermit crab from my other tank into this one. I didn’t do an official QT, I just scrubbed the shells really well in a bowl of new + old tank water and then once really clean I dunked them separately in a new dish of RODI. I thought that would be...
Premium Algae Scrubbers from Turbo's Aquatics!