
  1. Sanchez

    Build Thread 120g The Garden of Hisperides Neptunian Cube

    Hello all, here is my 120g Neptunian Cube tank (no it's not an actual cube, that's the brand name). It is a recent tank transfer/ tank upgrade from an SCA 50g cube. I love this tank so far, and it's doing so well! I've been shocked and ecstatic about the amount of growth I've seen following the...
  2. If_Only

    Onespot Foxface

    Since I started reading about reef tanks Ive marveled at onespot Foxfaces, and When I saw they get 7-8" I said yeah thats never gonna happen in my 2' cube. But I might be able to get me a 120-150 gallon! I just want to make sure the tank size I get can support a Onespot. I would much prefer a...
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