
  1. R

    Six line wrasse? OR, some type of dottyback?

    Hey guys and gals, I’m looking at setting up a 10g frag tank and am considering one fish along with some snails for algae. The fish for pests. I’m leaning towards a sixline turbos and hermits, but, I also like dotty backs specifically the Arabian and orchids. The main “pest” I have is bristle...
  2. wonroc

    Build Thread *Innovative Marine 10g Nano Reef* NJ

    Innovative Marine 10 gallon nano tank. One AI Prime 16. 2 clowns 1 yellow watchman 8 lbs live rock Pro reef salt
  3. Bankertanker

    Office 10 gallon upgrade.

    Hey everyone, So I started this tank in August, so far everything is going great, We upgraded from a 10 gallon to a 20 long, added some new coral (Soft only) as well a Royal gramma who seems to be fitting in really nicely. This is from the 10...
  4. kooroc

    Is Micmol Aqua Mini G3 good enough for nano tank?

    Hey everyone! So I'm using the Micmol Aqua Mini G3 on a 14 inch cube, 10g tank. Anyone else use this light? Would love to get an idea on the par readings if anyone has them or the settings they use / the hours they keep them on. Also, do you guys think it will be good for growing LPS and maybe...
  5. Bahura-Living

    10 gallon salwater tank from cycle to beautiful reef

    Hello Reefers. I don't know if this had been made here before but I want to built a innovative marine 10 gallons tank with all idea and help from you guys. it a long shot but it could work. please help me from pick a rock, sand, light and other stuff that I don't have. as of now I only have...
Ultimate Corals