Content with tagged user: Jay Hemdal

  1. A_Blind_Reefer

    Assistance need with yellow tang hlle/fin rot/infection?

    First, I have very little vision. A yellow tang is just a bright yellow blob/blur to me. A guest (non-reefer) had noticed his tail looked like it had been chewed on and face was turning white about a month ago. So, I ordered up green and purple sea veggies and selcon (normal food is pe pellets...
  2. morrisDR

    What is causing my corals to close?

    My corals seem to close up in the evening, morning and at night. They don't just close up normally but completely. A torch will show skeleton when closed. The corals seem to close for about one minute and then try to open again. Same goes for at night because corals don't close completely at...
  3. Cody Seer

    Clownfish Mystery Diagnosis

    Hey all! I posted this on Humblefish, but there were not really any suggestions or ideas so I’m hoping to get some opinions here! I have a pair of captive bred clowns that went through QT (arrive, H202 dip then MB dip), straight into 2.5 copper for 15 days (doing GC, Kana and Metro at...
  4. XxAlex_OhxX

    Is 2.42 copper ok with purple tang?

    Im currently treating a purple tang for marine ich. Today is the second day of treatment and I am using Copper Power. I use my hanna checker to check the levels. Yesterday was 2.38ppm. Today was 2.42ppm. Is this an acceptable range?
  5. 210_Reef

    Internal Parasite

    Hi Jay I have read a lot on various forums and have always seen you chime in on various disease issues in fish. I have an internal parasite issue that I need help identifying and treating what others have not been able to diagnose. This recently started when I introduced a Blonde Naso and Yellow...
  6. M

    What is happening to my clownfish?

    I bought a 6 line wrasse on 08/13 from my LFS and they have supposedly already treated it with copper for a month. I added it to my DT that already had 2 clownfishes and a cleaner shrimp. I just found out today that my female clownfish presents with some weird stuff on her body. I don’t know if...
  7. saltwaterswiftie

    EMERGENCY Carpenter's flasher wrasse spot on head

    I ordered 3 wrasses (Carpenter's flasher wrasse, Tricolor fairy wrasse and Yellow coris wrasse) from Blue Zoo Aquatics that were supposed to be delivered Tuesday but due to a UPS delay they were stuck in transit until yesterday morning (probably about 36hrs). All three are in a 10gallon QT tank...
  8. A

    EMERGENCY Flukes? Ich?

    My helfrich goby has spots all over can’t tell if it’s ich or flukes please help.
  9. B

    Black spots

    Does anyone know what these black spots are that have showed up on my tang that is in QT. Tomorrow will be day 21 in 2.5 Copper Power, and they have been doing great, eating super well no sign of disease until this appear this morning. He is still behaving normally. No sign of disease on the...
  10. N

    EMERGENCY Erythromycin next for Fin and Tail damage on Powder Brown

    We’ve had the powder brown for 3 weeks. Acclimation went well, but on week 2 started showing signs of a small head bump surface injury. After treatment of Kanaplex, it has progressed into fin and tail rot. I’m not seeing it as aggression. Tank mates are derasa clam, firefish, tiny clownfish, 2x...
  11. C

    Blemish on Scopas tang

    Hello All I made a post the other day with a picture showing a brown spot on my scopas tang and watched it for about a week. It definitely has increased in size and as I stated in the post water parameters are good the tang is eating well whether its nori, mysis, or pellets. Tang is a little shy...
  12. noober

    Kenya Tree Losing Tissue

    I've had this Kenya Tree in the tank for over a month now its its been completely healthy until recently. These small holes appeared on its trunk and had some white particles in it. We cleaned it off and did a fresh water dip as recommended by our local reef store. The white particles are gone...
  13. I

    Sick Copperband Butterflyfish

    Hello everyone, I have been a longtime lurker of this forum, and this is my first post. I ordered a Copperband Butterfly from an online vendor and it came in this morning. While inspecting it, I noticed that its dorsal fin was a little ragged along with its tail fin. It also has a cloudy...
  14. Spare time

    Is there truly an issue with combining prazi and copper power (or other meds)

    At my time at an lfs, the qt tank was hooked up to the copper system (copper power between 2-2.5ppm) but could be taken offline for medicine. In this, I have dosed api general cure and prazipro with copper still in the water, and was unable to see any detrimental effects. I have also done this...
  15. B

    Chocolate tang is scratching its eye with its fin

    I have a 3.5 ich chocolate tang and he is scratching himself with his fin around its eye. But his eye is clear and doesn't look cloudy at all. But I did see like one spot of ich on his face. So I'm pretty sure he has ich which I don't know how he got it because I've had copper in the tank for a...
  16. A

    Praziquantel Tablets + Copper Power

    Hey Reefers, I'm currently running a course of QT on a new batch of fish. I've kicked off my Copper Power treatment, which is now in its 8th day of being therapeutic @ 2.25 ppm. I performed a freshwater dip on my Regal Angelfish and have also confirmed the presence of flukes. I suspected that...
  17. Miami Reef

    New Naso tang not eating

    I have this large (5”-6”) Naso tang and he isn’t eating the foods I’m offering. Here’s what I tried: Blackworms Spirulina mysis. I noticed it’s mouth is pretty big compared to both foods. I do have LRS which is much meatier. I’m going to give that a shot. It’s been at LFS for a few weeks...
  18. lynka

    Brown oatches

  19. F

    Is my rbta a lost cause? New reefer needs help

    Hello reef community, I know there’s a lot of forums out there but I can’t seem to find the answer... any help appreciated i got a rose bubble tip anemone and it’s very unhappy or dying. It never settled from day 1 I got it (this is day 14) and it went in between my rocks (not getting much...
  20. 40g Nano

    My tomini tang

    Tiny white dots on him, no scratching, and lethargic, and bumps seems to have emerged over the past few days, only visible on fins, but now all over body doesn’t really look like ich, no signs on other fish except a clown who is a little lethargic
  21. P

    Wrasses in QT - what is going on?

    I recently got an azure damsel, a Tanaka's pygmy wrasse (Wetmorella tanakai), pink margin fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus) and an Orange Back Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis) that I had in QT. I was only treating for internal parasites using food soaked in General Cure +...
  22. freshwaterandmarine

    Carpenter wrasse lying on its side

    I have a carpenter wrasse in my nano tank for quite awhile now, he has been doing well but when I looked at it this morning, it was lying on its side on the live rock and a few hours later it was lying on the floor. When I tap on the tank, it swam back up. It still eats and comes to the top of...