I think in the near future you might want to upgrade to better test kits. API are ok for starters but when you want more precise #s, Red Sea, Hanna and others get you closer to where you want/need to be.
Water sample 2 weeks ago at LFS was 'all good.' No #s, just said it was all good. I'm really new to this so, please, treat me like I'm 2! Got API Reef Master Test Kit today and here are my numbers:
Calcium 540 ppm
KH 13 (or 232dKH)
Phosphates 2
Nitrates 160
Had major Dino issue so we haven't...
lps,it happens ;) please post current pic of tank,then test let us know later ,what lighting #s, still running 2 uv? we can get this right no need to start over:)i like to see pic ,if poss,going to bed soon:)
I am the designated person that goes into our office 2x a week to handle all the incoming and outgoing mail while everyone else "works" at home. Oh and i test every week, i don't chase #s, I do a 10% water change weekly and i keep my hands out of the tank.
...vessel and should raise effluent dkh. Purging old gasses seems necessary with this design and have heard rumours of a purge solenoid being talked about. Starting with the unit bleed out, and fresh co2 injected will show good #s, but as time passes, effluent dkh falls, and effluent/reactor ph...
...even brand new bottles would have wispy looking particles in them, not all, but quite a few.
I can tell you they DO indeed effect the test results, I tried multiple lot #s using a calibration solution, some tests were fairly consistent, but others wildly off, esp when the "floaties" were...
...days and then average your consumption.
Monday calcium is @ 440 tuesday 420 wednesday 395 and so on....
You would see the decline in #s, add the differences up and divide them by the number of days you tested for to get your 5-7 day average consumption of that element.
Then, mix...