Usage for hash tag: lazyreefer

  1. TheWB

    AIO Build TheWB’s IM Lagoon 50

    ...Chemipure elite out. I run the undersized 6.5oz bag in the overflow. I could probably do with changing the filter pad more often as well, #lazyreefer Torch, Trumpet and Branching Cyphastrea as well as all of the sps pieces are growing except the little piece of what is either a thick...
  2. mitten_reef

    Build Thread FarmerTy's 215-gallon SPS Tank

    this must be why it's hard to me to be successful #lazyreefer :shrug:
  3. TheWB

    AIO Build TheWB’s IM Lagoon 50

    ...put them in the tank. Since then I don’t know what they are doing but knocking down algae does not appear to be it. I keep threatening to fire them but that would require doing something with them after I remove them from the tank and so far I have not been quite motivated to do it. #lazyreefer
  4. TheWB

    AIO Build TheWB’s IM Lagoon 50 need for a lot of turnover through the back chambers. That’s it for now. Water change in the morning and maybe some testing. I do not test as regularly as I should. I’m the poster child for needing a Mindstream unit. Also overdue to make sure the Apex probes are calibrated properly...