Feedback profile - littlebigreef

Feedback summary

Feedback score
7 (+7 /0 /-0)
Positive feedback (last 12 months)
Received as seller
Received as buyer
I am a seller posting feedback on littlebigreef as buyer
Fantastic hobbyist! Winderful to work with. Graciously shares his passion and knowledge of the hobby. Looking forward to working with him more in the future.
I am a buyer posting feedback on littlebigreef as seller
Amazing seller to work with who is also patient and goes out of their way to help. Cut some new frags for me and would not ship until the frags had healed. also kept an eye out for any issues with the frags and kept me updated if anything popped up. Everything looks great and is opening up quickly. Would absolutely recommend and buy from again.
Classified ad: For sale Build Your Own Zoa Packs
I am a buyer posting feedback on littlebigreef as seller
Ordered 10 frags and each one was very healthy and packed extremely well. Very nice!
I am a buyer posting feedback on littlebigreef as seller
Littlebigreef is the man!
I’ve been looking out for not so common zoas and I was able to get a few through him. He’s been incredibly helpful fragging out stuff that wasn’t already cut, and making sure they were healthy before they left his hands. He accommodated all my shipping needs, and made sure to pack everything well. Excellent communication every step of the way.
Classified ad: For sale Illinois Wysiwyg 50+ Zoa Strains to Choose From
I am a trader posting feedback on littlebigreef as trader
@littlebigreef and I FINALLY made a trade that has been in the making for some time now. His stuff is fire, always. Was a super smooth transaction, and he walked me through shipping my first coral! :D
I am a seller posting feedback on littlebigreef as buyer
Beautiul healthy corals. Well glued, Packaging is bulletproof.
You guys better hurry up or I'm going to buy out his inventory.

WARNING: Do not buy if you have an addiction problem.

Also, ask littlebigreef to not show any other zoas in the corner of the final confirmation photo, before he ships because you will end up buying another one. And another one. And another one.

He is unhealthy for addicts and you will relapse. Please stay away if you are an addict.
I am a seller posting feedback on littlebigreef as buyer
Easy transaction! Also very personable!