Feedback profile - jmags080307

Feedback summary

Feedback score
5 (+5 /0 /-0)
Positive feedback (last 12 months)
Received as seller
Received as buyer
I am a buyer posting feedback on jmags080307 as seller
Friendly and easy communication. Corals shipped and packaged very well. Extremely happy. Thanks again
Classified ad: For sale New Jersey Zoa pack - WYSWIG
I am a buyer posting feedback on jmags080307 as seller
Wicked positive experience buying from this seller. Corals were shipped incredibly well, even withstanding a UPS delay totally outside of the seller’s control. Their corals are beautiful and extremely well priced for the quality and quantity of polyps shipped. Highly recommend!
Classified ad: For sale New Jersey Zoa Pack & JB's
I am a buyer posting feedback on jmags080307 as seller
Buy with confidence. Torches I received were packed better then any professional operations I ever bought from. They opened right up within an hour of receiving and look absolutely beautiful. Wish I had more tank space to buy more corals from Jay
Classified ad: For sale Torches
I am a buyer posting feedback on jmags080307 as seller
I love the Dragon Soul Torch I picked up from J! He's got awesome stuff for killer prices!
Classified ad: For sale New Jersey Torches
I am a buyer posting feedback on jmags080307 as seller
Great guy! The LPS pack that I purchased from jmags080307 are all healthy and doing great in my tank! Highly recommended, buy with confidence!
Classified ad: For sale Coral for sale
Top Shelf Aquatics