Feedback profile - jerl77

Feedback summary

Feedback score
1 (+0 /0 /-1)
Positive feedback (last 12 months)
Received as seller
Received as buyer
I am a trader posting feedback on jerl77 as trader
@jerl77 and I agreed to a trade of his xr15 gen6 for my Hydra 52 HD on 6/12/2022. I shipped him the light on 6/14 and provided pictures of the boxed item and tracking information, with a delivery ETA of 6/17. On 6/14 I was told by @jerl77 via PM that he had his light dropped off by his wife "Yesterday", which would have been 6/13. He provided me with a tracking number that was created on 6/15 at 8:06AM. That's the first red flag. The second and subsequent red flags have been his insistence that he did indeed drop off the light, and complete refusal to call UPS and determine why no tracking scans have yet occurred. We're long past any sort of daily deadline for a UPS drop box pickup, so I can only assume that @jerl77 has scammed me here. Please beware of ever doing any sort of transaction with this individual. I will be filing a police report on my end in the hopes of some resolution.
This guy is a tool…
Just had no patience like a 5 year old..
Doctor Derp
Doctor Derp
Let's be clear: This tracking/shipping label wasn't even created until TWO days after @jerl77 supposedly dropped this package off for shipment. It took a negative review and forum post to ensure he did what he was supposed to. BEWARE OF DOING BUSINESS WITH THIS INDIVIDUAL!
Let’s be clear did the package ship?
I have no control over how staples does there shipping I drop a box off and they do what they do.
Please just go away I would never do anything with this man again..
Stay away trust me